Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Trust God

I was talking to a friend recently and the topic of worry became the center of our conversation. It is always amazing to hear how people become consumed with the worries of the world. Several years ago I was exactly like that. I would try to control my entire world not to mention everyone else’s. I vision God looking down and shaking his head all the while we are wringing our hands, stressing out and at times making ourselves sick with concerns that God can easily handle. I remember one of our first Bible Studies we used a Beth Moore booklet…the first questions was: Do you believe in God? The very next question was: Do you Believe God? It was at that moment I realized it was simple to answer of course I believe in God…but then to put my trust and Believe that God will do what He says, I shamefully had not thought of. Probably because I was too busy worrying… :) I lived my life as a believer but I was not living my life as “A Believer". Knowing that God will do what he says he will do. I now joyfully know and believe God will take care of our worries, concerns or needs; and yet when I decide to take charge of my life, the stress can be overwhelming. It is at that point I would ask for forgiveness and give my life back to God. Our ladies group has just begun studying the Book of John. It is an incredible accounting of Jesus and all that he accomplished. Knowing what power Jesus has through His father, I wonder why we worry. Would Jesus look at our lives and say, “Ye of little faith”? I pray not… So, that being said, my prayer today is we allow God and Jesus to care for us in all areas of our lives and be prepared for the miracles he has waiting for us. Knowing that everything is in God’s time we have nothing to fear…but the fear of negativity entering our lives. Let’s keep the devil at our backs and bask in God’s Glory. 1Peter 5:6-7 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Rejoice in God’s love as we continue to “Believe” that God will do what He says He will do. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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