Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Living for God

When we wake in the morning is our first thought of coffee and work or is it a blessing to the Lord for bringing us to another day? As we raise our families, prepare for work and take care of daily chores; sometimes God maybe over looked. Our lives become entangled with obligations, schedules and responsibilities. We rush out of the house to keep all these commitments and hurry through the day. We become so involved in our daily agendas that we forget whose purpose we are living for. Living for God and praising Jesus gives us an opportunity to say thank you for the blessings we receive through our daily lives. I often hear people commenting on the economic struggles and the possibility of losing their jobs… They are beginning to panic however they pray, but with little conviction. When we are praying it is imperative that we believe God will take care of us. He knows our hearts and our prayers therefore in our trust He will provide. At the end of the day we do not want to hear God say, “Ye of little faith.” Let us trust God in all his promises and rely on Jesus to intercede in our struggles. Our convictions and love is all we need at the end of the day. Let us begin each day with a prayer of thankfulness and the joy of God’s Grace. 1 John 3:1 How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! Blessed are the pure of heart…be thankful and rejoice. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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