Thursday, September 2, 2010

Father's Love

Growing up with a father in the house can be a blessing and comfort as they have the ability to show strength all the while displaying gentleness. Today’s world has evolved from father’s going to work, earning a paycheck and having little input raising their children to engaged and enthusiastic daddy’s. As we advanced technologically we also advanced in the knowledge of child development and the importance of an active father. A “hands on Daddy” is now seen everywhere. When I have the opportunities to watch my sons with their children I feel proud and blessed. They have the tenderness and love that is displayed through their expectations and participation. Whether they are reading, swimming or playing games they model fair play, temper control and humor. They are able to laugh at themselves or situations while showing their children the joys of life. I view God’s love the same way. He gives us the comfort and gentleness as well as the expectations and standards for our lives. We have been given the “book” on family rules, do’s and don’ts and consequences if we choose to do our own thing. The love of God has also given us the rewards of following him and Jesus. If we have strayed he waits with open arms and a celebration…the prodigal son shows the love of a father. As parents I pray we love our children with the family rules, consequences and rewards of the "book” that allow our children to grow into God fearing and Jesus loving adults. 1Samuel 12:23-24 …And I will teach you the way that is good and right, But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for your. Rejoice in the rewards of God’s Grace and Jesus’ Love! Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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