Saturday, September 25, 2010

What Shape?

When we care for God’s house we make sure the windows are washed, carpets vacuumed and alter cared for. We make sure the pews are dusted, candelabras are shining and the candles are just the right size. Yet, God does not only dwell in our place of worship but he dwells in our hearts…how do we care for our bodies? Are we exercising, eating correctly and allowing God to handle the stress? Through out my childhood I was told that God lives in our heart…however I never associated this information to… honor my body I honor God. So as I continue to grow in faith I am also growing in wisdom…small increments but never the less I am growing… Our bodies are mirrors to our lifestyles…when we forget to exercise and step away from the table we will feel the extra stress when trying to hurry through the everyday chores. I always feel so much better when I bike around the neighborhood and my energy level is ready to tackle life… I pray we remember to honor God with our lifestyles and keep the devil at our backs…After all the devil smiles when our health is vulnerable. Let us go forth with exercise that gets you smiling…dance, jog, walk, bike, swim and so much more. Do you enjoy sports? Go join a team or a partner to play opposite on the tennis court. We are blessed with so much and I pray we do not sit on our brains but get the blood moving and find what moves you. Philippians 1:6 He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion. Let us keep our good health or continue to build up your health to enjoy what God has in store for you. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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