Monday, September 13, 2010

Salad Bar Faith

Tonight at our Ladies Bible Study and “salad bar” dinner I heard someone mention cutting back on her carbs (bread) and to stay away from the sweets. We agreed that we need to be conscience of our food intake and to stay fit and healthy. Since we are all past our forty’s and looking at the “senior” citizen age group we laugh when our conversations go to health issues and lifestyles. It boggles my mind that our wisdom finally shows up when our children our grown, grandchildren enter our lives and having a health problem or two is not uncommon. I feel our lives as Christians may have some health issues if we use a “salad bar” approach. We may get that wake up call that states your spiritual life has some serious "health" issues. Your faith is not growing, you are not in fellowship with like minded friends or you are making choices that are leading you away from God. As Christians we have the freedom to choose going to church, educate our children in God’s laws and Jesus’ love, while modeling a Christian way of life. How blessed are we? God continually gives us Grace by His forgiveness and guiding us on the right path. Our only challenge is to trust and to allow the Holy Spirit to fill our souls while we listen to His word. I pray we remain receptive to the Word of God in order to live a healthy faith growing life. Hebrews 5:14 Solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. Let us praise Jesus as we practice our faith. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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