Sunday, October 31, 2010

Listen & Serve

When we prepare to pray do we close off all the noise? Are we able to focus only on the Lord with out any outside thoughts entering our quiet world with God? I find if I am not totally focused on God and Jesus I have difficulty concentrating on my conversation and prayers. God needs our complete attention in order for us to hear His word. There are times that I heard but didn't hear and it wasn't until later that God had given me knowledge through that quiet voice in my head and I missed it. What a disappointment. When that happens I wonder how sad and frustrated He must get with us. Let us live our lives with a close and encompassing relationship with God and Jesus. As we go through the day let us make time (quiet time) for our Lord and live expectantly for His word to enter our daily lives. Walking in alignment with God and Jesus will produce gifts and blessings beyond our imagination. God has a plan for each of us that can only be achieved through our faith, trust and devotion. Learning to listen, to follow and to serve will allow our success to unfold as we choose to live by faith. There can be no greater gift than the gift of love. I pray we are rejoicing in the day as we praise and worship God our Father , Jesus our Savior and the miracles of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:9 No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Saturday, October 30, 2010

God LIke

I was having computer problems, therefore I had to make the decision to invest in a new PC..well that is all good and done except things are never as simple as purchase, install and use. Due to my internet carrier I spent an hour and a half trying to get connected only to realize the tech assumed I had a newer version of the modem (of course I didn't) therefore nothing he tried worked. It wasn't until we began communicating did it work. Then in ten quick moments I was connected. Isn't that life? We think we are all on the same page and speaking about the same thing. Yet unless we ask precise and meticulous questions we may be speaking about two different subjects or “modems”. Our life of faith can be like that. We may believe one way and someone else may believe another. Unless we study the Bible, God's word and commands we are vulnerable to society's beliefs; which allows us to do and listen to what makes us feel good about our lifestyle. God and Jesus are very forthcoming in what they expect. They continue to bless and protect us as we go about our daily lives. Living as imitators of God in near impossible; however changing our lifestyles, our prayer routines and Bible study we have a better opportunity to grasp the meaning of God like. We are given choices each day to love and serve God. What a humbling opportunity we are given. Serving Him and doing the work He has called us to do is such a gift. I pray we listen, hear and act when God calls on us. He knows our hearts and our disappointments, let us sing for joy as he loves us in spite of our weaknesses. Let's be in constant conversation with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit as we enjoy the communication of Love. James 1:12 Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Gifts of Life

As parents we know the joy of watching our children, grandchildren or other family members succeed. When they are happy we are happy and our heart soars when they reach a goal once strived for. It is simple, uncomplicated and effortless. Our Father in heaven must smile, delight and celebrate when we too have reached a goal God has set for us. Following His plan can be natural and easy if our hearts are open to His word. Walking in God’s light is a joy even when we have challenges and temptations that can divert our objective or purpose. We are never alone or without hope; Jesus is as close as a prayer. When we reach out to him with earnest and sincere desires He is there. It is with praise we begin our prayers and it is with love we show our devotion to God. The blessings we receive are vast and beyond our understanding. We have the gift of life, the gift of purpose and the gift of success through Christ. God is merciful, loving and ever true. His Grace embraces us when we trust in Him. Psalm 118: 9 It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes. My prayer today is we trust in our Lord, prepare our hearts for His word and follow the path He has for us. Let us delight God with our choices and attention, sing praises to the Trinity and dance with joy. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Aspirations & Desires

Listening to Christian music is heartwarming and touching. As I was in thought and prayer I was moved by the words and melody. The Lord blesses us with so many different types of joys…music being a major one. Many times we don’t give any thought to what motivated the artist; we just enjoy. Our life can be like that if we give little attention to what inspires our love for God and Jesus. We may just ramble along not giving thought or merit to what motivates us in our Christian walk. When living life without conscience thoughts or a spiritual plan we are missing God’s purpose and rationale for our existence. We are blessed that God assiduously waits for us. His love is constant and His patience is never ending. What other love is so compassionate, so caring and so understanding. Today we have the opportunity to begin once again to ask for God’s help in following His plan. I pray we turn to our Lord throughout the day in order to diligently stay focused on the goals God has for us. As we continue with our aspirations and desires let us keep God and Jesus forever in thought and prayer. God knows our hearts, our wants and our needs. He will continue to bless, protect and answer our prayers. So when we are in those quiet times with God ask that His will be done in our lives and that our wishes are aligned with His purpose. Let us continue to strengthen our love for the Trinity through our Bible study, prayer and Christian fellowship. Titus 3:4 When God our savior revealed His kindness and love, He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. Rejoice in the song of life with praises, enthusiasm and joy in our hearts…In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…God Bless. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Strong or Vulnerable?

There are times when I feel like a strong confident Christian and other times I feel weak and vulnerable. It is at those weak and vulnerable times that doubt, concerns or negative thoughts can enter my mind. When dealing with such feelings the more I try to block them the more the devil has a foot hold. It isn’t until I begin to pray for our Lord to intervene that peace and serenity will wash over me. What bothers me is that we allow one weak moment of gossip, what if’s or if only to become a conversation. We not only dim the light of God that dwells in us but we eliminate those feelings of closeness between Jesus and us. Knowing Him is having an awareness of love that engulfs your soul and warms your heart. It allows the Holy Spirit to bring joy and peace that is inexplicable and mystifying. Continuing to grow in our faith perpetuates love for those around us and builds barriers for negative thoughts and actions. The gratification and fulfillment one feels when living the life God has planned for us is an indulgence that goes beyond delight. I pray we continue to trust, love and follow our Lord’s plan. His way is the only way and our faith and devotion lead us to His promises. John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Let us keep the devil and vulnerability at our backs through prayer, Bible study and Christian fellowship as we rejoice in the day. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cast Your Concerns

Good Morning Lord and thank you for this amazing and wonderful day. It is a blessing to begin each day with praise, prayer and the love of the spirit in my heart. With determination and resolve I promise to accomplish all that is expected of me as a child of God. As believers we will still be challenged and tested; however it is with the grace and strength of our Lord that we react and respond with a joyful heart that keep us focused on Him. Today many will be challenged with loss of job, separation and divorce, health issues or financial stress. Let us pray with trust and conviction that all we are going through is handled by God and our burdens are lightened as He is in control. What a blessing to have choices. We can be positive with an attitude of Jesus…Understanding, loving and compassionate or we can become negative and walk on the dark side. Let us celebrate the day with a smile, wear the armor of God and delight in His mercy. Psalm 142:3 I cry out to the Lord; I pour out my complaints before Him. When I am overwhelmed, You alone know the way I should turn. Remember to cast your concerns to the cross and live expectantly. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Monday, October 25, 2010

Lord is My Helper

Our lives are constantly bombarded with challenges, praises and surprises. Today I have heard all of the above. A friend has taken their elderly father to the hospital, another friend just began a new job and yet another found joy in the surprise of an answered prayer. Through our daily lives we demonstrate the power of God. We meet each crisis, we attain each goal and we embrace and rejoice in all that we accomplish with the strength of Jesus. We have opportunities to display the love of God to our families, friends and the world around us. As we begin this week let us remember to follow the commands of God, align our lives with the wisdom of Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to work the miracles in our lives. God hears our prayers and supplications as He is never far from us. Knowing our lives are on God’s path we are given peace of mind, confidence and assurance that all we experience and pray for today is according to the will of God. When we keep our faith in the direction of the Trinity we are in the light…Let’s shine for them. My prayer today is for all who are ill and in discomfort and for their families, for those beginning a new job or career that they experience little or no anxiety and for those waiting for answers to prayers that will be answered. Hebrews 13:6 So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me? We are so blessed; begin each day with prayer, love and compassion for God our Father, Jesus our strength and the Holy Spirit who resides in our souls. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Time of Joy

As we prepare for our church services are we excited, do we look forward to our prayer and praise with enthusiasm and is it a time joy? If it isn’t what is missing? Many times we get bogged down with life and the challenges that confront us. We allow the negativity to enter our world, we complain about getting up early or losing those few precious moments of our day off…Shameful as it is that is what we sometimes here when listening to people talk. We are offered the greatest gift of life. Salvation and Eternity …Wow…We humans can be so selfish…let us make a pack to not only praise God and Jesus on Sunday with joy but to celebrate God's Goodness, the Love of Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit through out the week. So whether we are preparing for our church services, Bible study or prayer and quiet time with God let us remember to open our hearts to the Holy Spirit and be filled with the wonder of God. Praise His name with song and gladness. As we live with the joy of our Father His light shines through us. Let us rejoice in the day(s), remember to praise the Trinity and walk with a humble heart. We are the children of God and He knows our hearts and needs. He will answer all prayers and supplications. Psalm 145:14 The Lord upholds all who fall, and raises up all who are bowed down. I pray we experienced the joy of prayer, praise and song with our Christian friends and family this Sunday and that we continue with the pleasures of Bible study, prayers and Fellowship throughout our week. Keep the devil at your back and Jesus along side of you. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Not enough Memory

What a beautiful Saturday we have in store for us. And yet as I began working at the computer I saw messages such as “Done with errors, waiting for http://..., not enough memory, increase fire wall and renew virus protection. I began to praise God and thank Him for not telling us He does not have enough memory of us, that we must wait as He is busy, our prayers have been done with errors or that our virus protection and fire walls need renewal. Our God and Father listens always and continually cares for us as we grow in faith and mature in our belief and trust in Jesus. What an amazing world we have been given. It is a blessing to know that our needs are taken care of and that the Holy Spirit prays through out each day for us. Between our earthly Angels and our heavenly ones we have prayers and supplications going to God on a daily basis. We are also in prayer for those with financial concerns, health issues and employment needs; our God knows our hearts and fills our souls with His Grace. I pray today we recognize the gifts before us and praise God our Father, Jesus our Salvation and the Holy Spirit who touches our souls. Let’s keep our conviction’s strong, never wavering and dedicated as we continue with prayer, Bible study and Christian fellowship. Do not let the negativity and doubts enter your thoughts, keep the devil at your back and trust in the Trinity always. Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears. Rejoice in our day and thank God for hearing our prayers and supplications and forgiving our sins. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Friday, October 22, 2010

Unruffled, Calm & Serene

When waking in the morning do you feel like shouting “Good morning world?” Most of my mornings are like that…but then there are the days that I just want to pull the covers over my head and ask God to excuse me from the day… We are blessed with a Lord that does excuse our behavior(s) when we are feeling out of sorts. Can you imagine what the world would be like if we grouched around, didn’t smile or didn’t feel like doing the right thing? I continue to learn that God is my joyful pill when taken on a daily basis and Jesus is my well balanced diet of salvation through continual belief and prayer. If we allow ourselves to delve into the “why me” or “life isn’t fair” conversation we have opened the door for the evil and negativity of the devil. I pray we hang tight to God and Jesus in this tumultuous and chaotic world. When having that down day pray with a soul searching heart, sincerity and authentic petition for our Lord to intervene and calm our distress. Let us learn through trials and ordeals that God is in control and all we need to do is trust and lean on Jesus. He will walk with us. We become unruffled, calm and serene as we allow the Holy Spirit to fill our souls. Hebrews 4:16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. As our faith matures through Bible study, prayer and continued Christian fellowship draw near to our Father; enjoy the benefits of being a child of God and a brother or sister in Christ. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Thursday, October 21, 2010

God's Inoculation

The other day I had my flu shot…yeah, I am protected! Bring on the cold and flu viruses because I have the protection. With a simple injection we no longer worry about becoming ill as the viruses float through the air. Wouldn’t it be great if we lived our lives in the same way? With our faith in God we have been inoculated. We have God’s love, mercy and forgiveness. As we grow in faith we become stronger, healthier and wiser. We know that all things are accomplished through Christ and He is our salvation. Why is it then we become depressed, overwhelmed and besieged with feelings of uncertainty? Our faith leads us to the power of life. God is our inoculation. As we continue to lean on Jesus for strength and his healing powers let us remember to be thankful for God’s covenant. God will do what He promises to do. Our trust in God continues to build up our strength as our soul becomes enlightened by His love and the Holy Spirit. When we are near to God and Jesus our load becomes lighter, our health becomes healthy and our heart soars with joy. Hebrews 10:35 Do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you receive what He has promised. We are blessed and have the opportunity to embrace the day with great joy as we delight in His love. Grow in faith with continued prayer, Bible study and Christian fellowship. We have the protection from God and the salvation of Jesus. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Peace of God

Learning that life isn’t turning out the way you envisioned can be disappointing. When this happens it is important to trust God. Allow His love to insulate your discouragement and disillusionment. He will build the bridge of contentment and fulfillment through your faith. God’s plan may not be clear however He is leading us in the direction that is best. We are here to serve and love God while trusting and following Jesus. Our lives will be enriched through our faith and devotion. Being positive allows our strength to increase, our stress to decrease and our faith to grow. Let’s remember to keep the negative, the blame and the why’s out of the conversation. When negativity enters our thoughts this allows the devil to infiltrate our judgments. Keeping the devil at our backs permits the wisdom of God to develop strong, confident and secure Christians. Trusting God and leaning on Jesus through our trials and challenges demonstrates our ever-increasing love of life and everyday joys. It’s important we do not get caught up in the “happy” life but strive for the “Joyful” life that comes from God. John 14:1 Do not let your heart be troubled. Trust in God… I pray we remember who is in control; whose love, mercy and grace will bring us through tough times and sustain us in time of need. We are blessed with the peace of God, the love of Jesus and the powers of the Holy Spirit. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Breathe Deeply

Throughout our day someone’s action or gossip may get in the way of a great day. How we handle unpleasant situations or irritations will determine how we live and model our lives. If we fly off the handle or if we breathe deeply before responding is a testimony to our faith. It is easy to yell at someone anyone if they are within yelling distance just so we can displace the anger, disappointment or annoyance of another’s actions; however when we remember how God expects us to live and treat others raising our voice is not an option. We have no idea what the other person is feeling, how their day is going or how our negative actions would impact their life. Allowing our anger to diffuse and dissipate gives you time to readjust from negative circumstances to positive outcomes. Living by God’s commands brings calmness to our daily routines and soothes our bristled or bruised feelings. I pray we remember to love thy neighbor, remember we do not walk in their shoes and to judge not so we will not be judged. Let go of hurt feelings, unfair accusations or unwarranted gossip. We are children of God, brothers and sisters of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit fills our souls with joy. Deuteronomy 7:9 God is the faithful God who keeps His covenant for a thousand generations and constantly loves those who love Him and obey His commands. Our faith is our strength in times of needs, challenges and distress. Let’s keep our love for God strong, continue to trust and lean on Jesus through prayer, Bible study and Christian fellowship. Keep the devil at your back and rejoice…everyday is a new day. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Monday, October 18, 2010

God Provides

It is exciting when we are offered a new beginning; whether it has to do with our careers, new home or new location. I have a friend who moved across the country due to a promotion, another friend has a new home and yet another just retired. How fun life can be. As we experience all these new beginnings in what ways do we celebrate? Hopefully the first expression of gratitude is to God. Being thankful for all the opportunities and praising our Lord is the first step to success. Many times in our society celebrations are with family and friends enjoying a dinner party or night on the town. Our Lord wants us to enjoy life, to share our delight in new ventures and express the pleasure in our advancements and creativity. As Christians we celebrate the love of God and His gifts through the Eucharist, with prayers of supplication and with trust. Knowing God will provide our needs, listen to our desires and protects us from evil. Our lives are not without challenges however they are met with the strength of Jesus and the promises of God. Let us enjoy our lives with a refreshed spirit and determined heart for God. Let’s make each day a new beginning with thankfulness and gratitude as we receive the Grace of God. Matthew 17:20 “I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to the mountain, ‘Move from here to there’, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” As we move from career to career, home to home or city or state let’s give thanks and praise for our faith that grows in strength; while we enjoy the benefits of God’s blessings. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Receive the Joy

When faced with an uncomfortable situation the only option for a positive outcome is to lean on Jesus. For many this is a “no brainer”…for others it is a foreign idea. As we live our lives it is imperative to be open and proud that we are Christians. We are able to show those without a relationship with God or Jesus how much better life is. Our language, behaviors and treatment of others displays the conduct and actions of Christian living. What a privilege to be aligned with God and in a relationship with Jesus. Let go of negative sour attitudes, choose friends who are positive and joyful and walk the walk of God’s commands. We have a mission as followers of Christ to empower those around us with the knowledge of God and Jesus. Let us remember to ignore the values and morals of society and place the importance of God’s moral judgment and the love of Jesus in our hearts and displayed through our lives. John 15:4 “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.” Thank God for the blessings and opportunities before us, enjoy the salvation received through Jesus and experience the over powering joy of the Holy Spirit. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Kid Proof

When my children were little I was always concerned when taking the boys to Grandma’s house because her house wasn’t “kid proof”. We always had the talk before entering and gave them the look if they became too rambunctious. Spending time and building memories with their grandparents were some of my sons most memorable times. Now we talk and reminiscence about the good old days. Well, I am now the one watching the furniture, cleaning up spilt milk and wiping fingerprints off the end tables. What a blessing it is. I now understand the joy my parents experienced when playing or watching their grandsons. God blesses us in so many ways and one is the priceless experience of grandchildren. I pray we have opportunities to receive the benefits of older age and build memories with them. Let’s remember to thank the Lord for each blessing we receive and to share the love of God with our grandchildren. We can simply do this through the socialization of prayers, manners and stories from the Bible. As we live our lives as God fearing and Jesus loving Christians we model the importance of our faith. Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Praises be to God for the blessings of our families and love of Jesus through our faith. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Friday, October 15, 2010

Humble Heart

Life is unique and wondrous. We are given the opportunities to spread our wings and excel. Many times when accomplishing our goals we begin to believe our lives are more important, more exceptional and more extraordinary than any one else. Yet, as we live our lives it is crucial to keep our hearts aligned with God. Striving toward love our neighbors as ourselves; remembering our lives are not above or below others keeps our hearts and minds focused on the Lord. It is easy to think we have more to offer and believe God’s plan for us is more valuable to society than our neighbors; however God wants each of us to live with a humble heart and to keep the devil at our backs. Allowing arrogance to enter our thoughts only permits negativity to infiltrate our thinking and diminish our modesty. We are blessed with options that enhance our lives and increase our self-worth. I pray we continue to follow God’s commands through prayer, Bible study and Christian fellowship. Let’s take pleasure in the life we have today and remember to thank God for each and every opportunity. Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Life is a joy and a challenge…walk in love, humility and forgiveness and feel God’s Grace. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Encourage Strength

When our families and friends are facing a crisis do we encourage strength through God’s promises or do we encourage weakness through lack of faith? Now I am not saying if you feel stressed, confused or concerned you have little faith. What I am saying is we show our faith through our reactions, responses and behaviors. Walking with God and Jesus through each crisis is how we grow in faith, grow in God’s wisdom and grow in strength. What a blessing to know that leaning on Jesus during a stressful situation allows our needs to be met with grace and mercy. Helping each other through tough circumstances is done by encouraging each other with God’s words and promises. We are never alone and only need to ask for strength, endurance and peace while walking through our trials and tribulations. God has promised us that our prayers will be heard; and He will take care of our needs and be with us always. Romans 8:28 We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose. I pray we are hearing the call from God and following his plan. Spend time with Jesus through prayer and Bible study; while enjoying Christian fellowship with those around you. When your loved ones are facing uncertain times and situations encourage them to pray to our Father for strength and to feel His comfort. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Kaitfors

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Live Expectantly

As I was going through my day it seemed the faster I went the further behind I got…so many things with a deadline, responses needed or calls to make. Yet, as we continue to live our lives with the patience and coolness of God I know we can accomplish our list of chores and responsibilities in due time. I find this a blessing knowing that God is handling our lives. We just need to give Him the reins and allow our paths to be cleared. Living a life of expectancy is heartwarming and uplifting. We are allowed to grow in faith, to trust and to love. Our lives become serene with God leading us and Jesus displaying mercy. I pray we always remember which path to choose as we enjoy life, persevere through challenges and allow God to shine through us. The devil is constantly waiting for the moment to pounce and infiltrate our lives, therefore keep him at our backs through prayer, Bible study and Christian fellowship. We have the satisfaction of communicating with God and Jesus every minute of every day… 1 Peter 5:8 Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Go forth praising God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and rejoice in the day. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

God is in Control

When our lives are rolling along without mishap we enjoy all aspects of our day. It is when the streets are beginning to get bumpy, the wind is blowing against us and we feel the pull of negativity seep into our thoughts. This is the time to dig deep into your spiritual life and remember who is in control. When we allow the devil to take over our thoughts and actions we stray from the power. The power of God and Jesus Christ is the direction of our thoughts, actions and responses. Instead of becoming overwhelmed, stressed and concerned over situations that God will handle; let us begin our prayers for strength and wisdom. It is important to feel the power of the Holy Spirit in our souls as we reach out to God. He will take care of our needs and knows our hearts. What a joy to feel His love. Lean on Jesus through the tough times and rejoice with Him in our times of delight and pleasure. Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. What blessings we receive when trusting God. Today let’s enrich our lives as we continue to pray, enjoy Christian fellowship and learn through Bible study; all the while praising Jesus. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Monday, October 11, 2010

Easy Way

When faced with a project, exercise program or challenges of life; there are times we would like to take the easy way, skim through it with minor details, little dedication or lack of priority. I am inspired by those who work diligently and keep their responsibilities on the front burner. When watching, reading or hearing about people with a drive of continuous and strong work ethics it is empowering. As we strive toward the goal it is important that we keep everything in balance. Many times we hear about the “workaholic” whose focus is all about the career and ignores the family and ones faith. God gives us gifts, skills and talents; He expects us to use them all the while thanking Him for the opportunities before us. We are able to plant, nurture and produce the results God has for us. Life is not without challenges however, our dedication and faith allows us to accept the trials and tribulations with renewed energy knowing we have the strength of Jesus. Ephesians 3:19 May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life. I pray we value this day as we feel the empowerment of God’s grace, work toward our goals and experience the joy of being a Christian. Let’s show the world our Christian spirit by treating each other with love, compassion and forgiveness. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Eyes of a Child

Through the eyes of a child life is huge. We took our granddaughter to the county fair and watched her eyes widen with joy, concern and question as we went from animal to animal and food both to noisy game booths. She sampled the corn dog and funnel cake and washed it down with strawberry lemonade. She and her daddy went through the kids area…slides, bridges and water wheels. All the while she was experiencing life with pure joy and excitement. However, I believe we adults received more joy watching her than she had experiencing her day at the fair. As parents or grandparents we hurt when the child hurts or we laugh when they laugh. I believe the same happens with God and His children. Our Father in heaven is pleased when we are pleased and wants to help us endure life when it becomes a struggle. His rejoices when our choices are in line with His wishes and He blesses us through out our days. Life as an adult can also be huge and overwhelming if we forget to trust God and lean on Jesus. It is through Their love and mercy that we learn how to live the life God has planned for us. I pray this beautiful Sunday you worshipped in your favorite church, prayed for your family, friends, and country and thanked God for the blessings you received this day and always. Let’s continue to show our love through Bible studies, Christian fellowship and prayer as we keep the devil at our backs. 1 John 5:4 Every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. Praise God and Jesus for the day. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Simple Things in Life

Today was an opportunity to enjoy the gift of exercise. Several friends from our church family met for a bike ride around one of our parks…The day was clear, with a slight breeze and the temperature was in the high 60’s with sunshine to spare. The first thing I noticed was the “bike gear”…helmets, shorts and mountain bikes…Oh, my goodness I am in trouble. My bike was constructed in the 60’s and the only extra gears it had was my energy and muscles… Now I have been bragging for months that I ride several days a week if I am able…well, what I found out is that I am riding on FLAT, LEVEL and STRAIGHT streets…Are you seeing the picture? My dear friends slowly began the trek toward the first hill…I realized if I don’t pass them and get a run at the small hill this gal isn’t going to make it…remember the others just changed gears…help! Long story short I survived!! My competitive nature kept me even with the group on the way out but on the way back to the park…I just prayed for the endurance to get me to the car… Truly though, God gives us such pleasures and today was a simple one of the best…it was a time of Christian fellowship and laughter as we enjoyed the gift of exercise. 2 Corinthians 9:8 God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. We are so blessed by His Graciousness, Joy and Mercy. I pray we continue to praise God for the simple pleasures of life, rejoice in the promise of eternity and raise our voices in song for our abundance. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Friday, October 8, 2010

Life of Joy

This morning as I was riding my bike I was suddenly surprised by a younger woman saying hello as she rode past me…Actually she flew by me…in a moment I was filled with a competitive drive. I wanted to pedal all out and pass her. Aren’t we funny? What a silly thought after all I wasn’t biking to win a race but to enjoy the morning, give my sedentary body some exercise and to enjoy a quiet time with God. It brought to my attention that we are all living and loving God at different levels of faith; as well as at different stages of education. Some may read the Bible daily, pray constantly and choose friends that are Christians. Others may be just beginning to learn about Bible studies and the joy of prayer while some find Bible studies and prayer unnecessary to live a “happy” life. Living a life that has joy in our souls rather than that “happy” momentary goal is an aspiration that we can all work toward. Living with the wisdom of God, the miracles of Jesus and the touch of the Holy Spirit is the fulfillment of a Godly life. I pray we continue with our prayers, Bible study and Christian fellowship as we follow the commands of God and trust in Jesus. James 4:8 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Let us remember that a life of Joy is a life of God loving, Jesus trusting and our souls touched by the Holy Spirit. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Another Day

Today is the day the Lord has made…rejoice and be glad…As we begin each day life issues, stress and struggles may get in the way of this phrase; however without praising God for the day before us we have missed the meaning of our lives. We are given another day to thank the Lord for giving us a chance to do what is right, to forgive, and to live expectantly. What a gift. Living a life of an abundance of love from God and Jesus is truly experiencing His Grace. As we go about our day let us remember to praise His name through our responses to life. Find the joy in the situation facing you…smile through challenges that break your heart and pray for strength to empower you to endure what ever hardship is put in your path. We are what we say…being positive allows us to live positively…declaring good health and financial stability brings forth opportunities we may have missed being negative. Let’s keep the devil at our back with the promises of God and the miracles of Jesus. Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. I pray we continue to look toward Jesus as our Savior, God as our Creator and the Holy Spirit as wondrous. Enjoy your Bible study, be fulfilled with your Christian fellowship and live expectantly through your prayers. The Holy Spirit is miraculous for ever and a day…For ever and a day the Holy Spirit is miraculous!! Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Show Love

As we live our lives we show our love in many different ways. We go out of our way for those we care about, we do little extra chores without being asked or we may just enjoy being with them…doing nothing more than reading, watching a movie or cooking in the kitchen together. Having someone to share our lives is a comfort and a blessing. Many times though we feel less worthy if we live alone or our special someone does not join in on our activities. What I have experienced is that we are never alone. I remember when first moving into my townhouse many friends asked, “aren’t you nervous or scared being alone?” It never occurred to me that I was alone, because I was walking with God and Jesus. As we live our lives doing for others I pray we do not forget to show God our love. We show that by our continued Bible study, Christian fellowship and prayers. Staying connected to God and Jesus is the walk of a Christian. We have an opportunity on a daily basis to show the world how Christians live. Smiling, being positive and enjoying life no matter what is directed our way. We may have a family illness, financial struggles or personal issues, but how we handle these situations will be evidence of our faith. Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Let’s show the world the love of God and Jesus through our behaviors, our patience and our sincerity to each other. Praise God, walk with Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to fill your soul. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Amor of God

When we become inspired are we working diligently or sitting quietly contemplating life through prayer and supplication? Well, my guess is we can become inspired through many activities. God will reach us in all areas of our lives, however in order to hear the calling or inspiration we must be open to receive the message. If living a life without God or Jesus we will miss the communiqué. Maybe that is why we have two ears not one and only one mouth so we listen more and speak less. Many times we get on a roll in our career path, family life or volunteerism and forget that God has arranged our path. If living our “own” lives and making decisions without God’s guidance it takes a little longer to get back on the chosen path. What a blessing that God waits for us…continually! We must put on the armor of God in order to ignore the temptations that lead us from a Godly life. Let us pray for strength and mercy that we keep the devil at our back and rejoice in the life God has for us. When we feel uninspired or stressed from daily life it is important to remember scripture that fills our souls with hope, peace and grace. God has a plan for each of us while Jesus inspires us through his sacrifice, love and devotion. Lean on Them through the hardships, continue to listen for the word(s) and raise our spirits through Bible study, Christian fellowship and prayer. Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Wear the armor with the joy, Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Monday, October 4, 2010

Apple of Your Eye

Being at the center of someone's heart is an amazing experience. Or the joy you feel when you are around the person or child who is the apple of your eye. What a wonderful expression. Did you ever wonder where it came from…or did you already know it originated in the Bible. Yes, it does come from the Bible…Proverbs 7:1-2…the Lord gives us so many astonishing gifts…and this one is right up there next to the others. What we hope God will say to us at the end of our days is…”you are the apple of my eye”…Wow!! How do we get to that spot…the tenderest spot of someone’s heart? Proverbs 7:1-2 Keep my words and treasure up my commandments with you; keep my commandments and live, keep my teaching as the apple of your eye. God gives us so many examples of how to live and to be centered with Him; yet in Proverbs he tells us how we can treasure His word and His commandments. We are given the opportunity to keep God and His words as the “apple of our eyes”… I pray we keep God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the center of our hearts and souls as we prepare for the day. Remember to honor God as we live our lives and follow His commands; for when we do this we keep God as the apple of our eye. Jesus is love…today and everyday…today and everyday…Jesus is love… Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blessings of the Day

Where did the day go? The sun is going down and I am just beginning the daily devotion…I guess this means I have had lots of fun or have been running ragged with all the responsibilities for the up coming week. All though every minute of the day has been busy it began with prayer and thanksgiving to our Lord for the day and its blessings. Keeping our priorities in order does not mean we have to eliminate activities that we enjoy. However, our first priority is for God and Jesus Christ. As we prepare for each day loving the Lord and the blessings we receive is glorious. It is difficult to understand those who begin a day with out thanking God. It is like breathing…it just comes naturally. When we are around those we love…whisper “thank you God”, when we accomplished all those weekend chores…thank God for the energy or when we had a day of relaxation…praise God for the quiet time. I pray we are thankful for each and everyday and every experience. We learn and grow through the tough times and we soak in the pleasures of joy life can bring. Look forward to tomorrow with a smile in your heart and joy in your spirit. Philippians 3:13-14 Forgetting, those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let us walk with God and follow the path He has laid for us. Listen for His call, pray for His Grace and allow His Holy Sprit to fill our souls. It does not get any better than that. Thank you God & Jesus… Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Paid By Jesus

What a beautiful Saturday morning. The weather was just right…not cool and not hot…Thank you God! Riding my bike was again a pleasure. I noticed people out walking their dogs or themselves and a few were having a garage sale. As I drove by one sale I noticed many nice things and equally many people looking over the owners possessions. What caught my attention is that we are always looking for that “bargain’. I too get excited if I can purchase some item at a great price. We believe we have done a good job if we shop and buy at a discount. Yet, there was one purchase that was not bought at a discount…it was for paid by Jesus. He bought our Salvation with His life; all that he asks in return is our belief and trust in Him . How do we thank our Lord for this gift? We make a daily routine of thanking Him and praising His name for the love of life (eternal life that is). God not only takes care of us through out our lives on earth but He has prepared the way for eternal life. How amazing is that? We have an opportunity to share in the love of Christ on a daily basis while trusting God that He will do what He says He will do. In return we continue with Bible studies, Christian fellowship and prayer. God hears our thoughts, our needs and our supplications. All we need to do is talk with Him. Reach out to God the Father and lean on Jesus for strength all the while letting the Holy Spirit fill our souls. What blessings we are given. Revelation 1:5 To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. God is good all the time…All the time God is good. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Friday, October 1, 2010

Doom n Gloom

When talking to friends or acquaintances are they positive or negative? I know someone that continually talks about the doom and gloom of our economy, politicians and nature of the country. I never hear any positive comments from this person and I walk away wondering what it is like to live with that type of negativity. As we go through life there are always going to be challenges and disappointments, however we are given choices and we can smile and take on the challenges or frown, grumble and complain. What a joy it is to walk hand and hand with Jesus and completely believe that He clears the path for us. As long as we align our lives with Him we are not left to handle the ordeal alone. How simple is that? Trust, Believe and Follow… I pray we are following the path God has laid out for us; that we are enjoying the gift of life and the challenges before us. Let’s remember to keep the devil at our backs all the while praising God and Jesus Christ. We show our love for God by our continued Bible studies, Christian fellowship and prayers. God’s sunshine penetrates our souls when we invite Him in… Matthew 6:34 “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” So as we roll through life let us remember to sing, dance and rejoice in the day. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors