Saturday, October 9, 2010

Simple Things in Life

Today was an opportunity to enjoy the gift of exercise. Several friends from our church family met for a bike ride around one of our parks…The day was clear, with a slight breeze and the temperature was in the high 60’s with sunshine to spare. The first thing I noticed was the “bike gear”…helmets, shorts and mountain bikes…Oh, my goodness I am in trouble. My bike was constructed in the 60’s and the only extra gears it had was my energy and muscles… Now I have been bragging for months that I ride several days a week if I am able…well, what I found out is that I am riding on FLAT, LEVEL and STRAIGHT streets…Are you seeing the picture? My dear friends slowly began the trek toward the first hill…I realized if I don’t pass them and get a run at the small hill this gal isn’t going to make it…remember the others just changed gears…help! Long story short I survived!! My competitive nature kept me even with the group on the way out but on the way back to the park…I just prayed for the endurance to get me to the car… Truly though, God gives us such pleasures and today was a simple one of the best…it was a time of Christian fellowship and laughter as we enjoyed the gift of exercise. 2 Corinthians 9:8 God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. We are so blessed by His Graciousness, Joy and Mercy. I pray we continue to praise God for the simple pleasures of life, rejoice in the promise of eternity and raise our voices in song for our abundance. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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