Monday, October 4, 2010

Apple of Your Eye

Being at the center of someone's heart is an amazing experience. Or the joy you feel when you are around the person or child who is the apple of your eye. What a wonderful expression. Did you ever wonder where it came from…or did you already know it originated in the Bible. Yes, it does come from the Bible…Proverbs 7:1-2…the Lord gives us so many astonishing gifts…and this one is right up there next to the others. What we hope God will say to us at the end of our days is…”you are the apple of my eye”…Wow!! How do we get to that spot…the tenderest spot of someone’s heart? Proverbs 7:1-2 Keep my words and treasure up my commandments with you; keep my commandments and live, keep my teaching as the apple of your eye. God gives us so many examples of how to live and to be centered with Him; yet in Proverbs he tells us how we can treasure His word and His commandments. We are given the opportunity to keep God and His words as the “apple of our eyes”… I pray we keep God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the center of our hearts and souls as we prepare for the day. Remember to honor God as we live our lives and follow His commands; for when we do this we keep God as the apple of our eye. Jesus is love…today and everyday…today and everyday…Jesus is love… Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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