Friday, October 29, 2010

The Gifts of Life

As parents we know the joy of watching our children, grandchildren or other family members succeed. When they are happy we are happy and our heart soars when they reach a goal once strived for. It is simple, uncomplicated and effortless. Our Father in heaven must smile, delight and celebrate when we too have reached a goal God has set for us. Following His plan can be natural and easy if our hearts are open to His word. Walking in God’s light is a joy even when we have challenges and temptations that can divert our objective or purpose. We are never alone or without hope; Jesus is as close as a prayer. When we reach out to him with earnest and sincere desires He is there. It is with praise we begin our prayers and it is with love we show our devotion to God. The blessings we receive are vast and beyond our understanding. We have the gift of life, the gift of purpose and the gift of success through Christ. God is merciful, loving and ever true. His Grace embraces us when we trust in Him. Psalm 118: 9 It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes. My prayer today is we trust in our Lord, prepare our hearts for His word and follow the path He has for us. Let us delight God with our choices and attention, sing praises to the Trinity and dance with joy. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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