Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mission Statement

When researching a new company we may find a Mission Statement…it tells us where their dreams and goals are headed and how they plan to accomplish them. It gives a brief glimpse into the ideals and attitudes expected of each employee. By doing the research we know ahead of time if we are a good fit and if our beliefs, values and attitudes are aligned with the company. Through our diligence and information gathering our perspective into the company enables us to make a right decision. We should do the same type of information gathering when making decisions in our lives; however first we need a Mission Statement. What are our goals, values and beliefs and how do we plan to accomplish them. Our aspirations are achieved with a strong faith in God, following his commands and trusting in His love. Now this does not mean we will not encounter some struggles along the way; it just means that we will accomplish our desires if we align the goals with God’s commands, follow the path He has laid out and enjoy our journey. Psalm 22:4-5 Our ancestors trusted you. They trusted, and you recued them. They cried to you and were saved. They trusted you and were never disappointed. Let’s align our Mission Statement with God’s love, strengthen our faith with continued Bible studies and trust our Lord as we live our lives and we too will not be disappointed. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Friday, February 25, 2011

Feelings of Unloved

If you have ever had that feeling of being totally alone, vulnerable and unloved you will understand the quote from Mother Teresa. “All sicknesses have cures. The only one that cannot be cured is the sickness of feeling unloved”. What a statement and so true. We have God's capacity to appreciate, to care and to empower those around us with His love. When we do this we brighten someone’s life with feelings of self-worth and value. We understand why God wants us to love one another…we have the power to bring joy into someone’s life…by a smile, kind word or time spent together. As our faith grows we begin to live as God planned, which helps cure the “sickness of feeling unloved”. Ephesians 5:8 You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light. As we continue our spiritual walk let’s not forget those who are alone, who are ill or facing a quandary that isolates them from others. Let’s show the love of God. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Journey with You

“As I began my personal walk with you Lord I found strength I didn’t know I had, I found comfort beyond any measure I knew and I found your personal love. As I journal through the years I have learned to listen for God as I know He will answer. His answers come with wisdom and patience; the wisdom is from our dear Lord and the patience for me”. I wrote this many years ago and find that it still rings so true…I am in awe of His Graciousness, Mercy and Forgiveness…No matter our failings He continues to love us. When I first began this process I had no expectations other than to be closer to God. The gifts I received through this walk have filled my soul and inspired my personal relationship with Jesus to grow each day… I pray you are building that same relationship with God and Jesus as the joys and miracles will fill your life along the way. Psalm 81:13,16 “Oh that My people would listen to Me…I would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.” Let’s go forth loving, praising and thanking him for all we have in the name of Jesus. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

State of Grace

One of the advantages of working in a Christian environment is the attitude of those around you. A while back our Company had a technological meltdown which affected hundreds…it was a time of frustration as work was unable to be completed. Yet, our Technology Team was working round the clock to repair the problem and find solutions to remedy future mishaps. When a co-worker asked one of the Tech Team how they were doing…She said, “We are working in a state of Grace”. There was no blame game, no should of done that or could have done this….but each team member supported and worked along with each other with the spirit of God. You know you are working in a true Christian environment when you see firsthand the effects of Jesus in the work place. Psalm 138: 7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will receive me; You will stretch forth Your hand…and Your right hand will save me. Our Tech Team worked hand in hand not only with each other but with our Lord and the results were amazing. I pray that we are all “working in a state of Grace”….Let’s support each other and encourage those who are struggling…God knows our needs and will be in the midst of our trials. Rejoice in the day…praise God and thank Him for our opportunities. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Each Milestone

Throughout life we reach milestones…development as a young child…enlightenment through education... our work related experiences... and our spiritual growth. We generally don’t recognize the accomplishment of each milestone until we have reached the next level. The joy is we do acknowledge our growth as we become loving, kind and compassionate human beings. We realize life is not all about ourselves but helping others through struggling times, encouraging those who feel down or defeated and building the bond of friendship through God’s love. Each of us has a purpose…and our purpose will differ as we are all growing with a diverse time line. God has planted, watered and nurtured our development into the Christian He has designed. Psalm 127:1 Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the Lord protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good. All our accomplishments are achieved through the milestones of our faith…We would not succeed without the love and guidance of our Lord. As we grow and develop a strong faith and a trusting heart let’s praise His name. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Monday, February 21, 2011

Great & Humble

While reading the Bible (Acts 5) it stated that Peter, John and other Apostles were told to stop their preaching or be punished, however they continued to preach the word of God in Christ’s name. They were flogged for disobeying…After the flogging they departed. Acts 5:41 So they departed…“rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name”. What an amazing accounting of the Apostle’s greatness and humility. They were proud to be counted worthy to suffer for Jesus. In our day and age letting people know we are Christians is a struggle for some. They don’t want to be characterized as Bible carrying Evangelical saints for God…and would certainly fold at the first threat of bodily harm or jail time. Yet, our world would be kinder, more compassionate and understanding to those around us. “Love thy neighbor as yourself “how do we accomplish this without the love of God? As we become more mature in our Christianity it is very apparent what God wants from us and being human makes it difficult at times. My prayer is we learn to love God, become faithful followers and to trust in all circumstances. Let’s do what is right and make our choices as if He is sitting right next to us. What a blessing that would be. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Shine for God

For every action there is a reaction…how we chose to respond to these actions depends on our relationship with God. If we constantly react with anger, negativity or harshness we are not walking in a close relationship with our Lord. However when responding with kindness, understanding and patience we are striving to be God like. What a joy we become as we choose to serve God through our positive attitude and behaviors. Our right choices give us the edge…sets us apart…and keeps us spicy with the laws of God. So as we enjoy our day and prepare for the week let’s continue to be the salt of the earth and shine for God. Matthew 5:13 You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trodden under foot by men. Let us walk in love, display God’s goodness as we enlighten those around us. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Staying Faithful

I talked to a friend whose husband left her and their two small children. He not only left them but he cleaned out the bank account…and when she asked him how she was to live and support their children he said, “figure it out…I am through”. She was devastated as this was such a shock…she was concerned as she was not sure how she was going to support herself and her children…and she was challenged beyond her comprehension. For two weeks I watched, prayed and supported her emotionally. When you looked at her she had a vacant stare, but she continued doing all that needed to be done. Friends gathered together for prayers, gave her gift cards as well as cash to help her and she felt blessed. On the third week she arrived with a smile on her face…with renewed strength and courage to move forward. She stated her prayers were being answered as her soon to be ex-husband had returned some of their money and she felt God’s love. Through our constant and faithful prayers and complete trust in Jesus we not only survive tumultuous times but begin renewed with stronger faith, confidence and courage. Psalm 121:7-8 The Lord will keep you from all harm- He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both and forevermore. We are blessed with great family, friends and the love of God. Praise be! Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Friday, February 18, 2011

Old Dreams...New Opportunities

Our lives are blessings, however we have had those times when it was a challenge, a struggle or difficult to maneuver through. When in the midst of the storm it is near impossible to see clearly but walking in trust and faith keeps us close to God. The joy we have is looking back on those situations and seeing clearly that God was guiding us through it. We then see how God gave us those small miracles like friends or new opportunities that led to long forgotten dreams or goals. It is through those struggling and challenging times that we find an inner strength…a new confidence…and brighter outlook, which tells us that we are ready for the new opportunities God has planned for us. Psalm 25: 12, 15 Those who respect the Lord? He will point them to the best way…My eyes are always looking to the Lord for help. He will keep me from any traps. As we look to the Lord let us continue to hold tight to Jesus as we praise His name. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Being God's Light

I was listening to a doctor speak about health issues and how to combat problems simply by what we eat…it was all common sense information and yet, we buy into the info commercials. The doctor went on to say that people will listen to him and then turn their television to several different stations and buy into the commercials, purchase and consume pills rather than eating natural and nutritious foods that enhance our systems. This reminded me that we are like sheep and follow the loudest leader or peers who discuss in detail what pill or other product can help our problems…we don’t want to “change” as we are comfortable where we are. This is true in life…we follow society…we are political correct and are ashamed or afraid to pray or speak about God and Jesus in public. Knowing this…allows us to kick it into high gear and let go of those boundaries and shine for God. Psalm 140:13 Surely the righteous shall give thanks to Your name; the upright shall dwell in Your presence. Therefore if we are going to follow… let’s make sure it is God we are following…let’s be an example to all in our lives. We are blessed with God’s goodness and He knows our hearts. Walk in love… Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

God's World

Living in love…what a blessing in so many ways…we have the love of God, our family, friends and those on the outskirts of our lives. Living in love encompasses our treatment of others, our time spent with the Lord and our appreciation of relationships that build our self-assurance and general well-being. Living in love also generates our spiritual growth, because if we are treating others as we want to be treated…helping others instead of relaxing and acknowledging God’s commandments we are becoming who God desired us to be. Living in love is living in God’s world as we strive to walk the path God has chosen for us. What joy we receive knowing that our personal relationship with Jesus is growing as He encourages us to become faithful. Mark 14:38 “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Living in love allows us to resist temptation, be content and joyful with our lives as we continue to grow in our spiritual life. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love of Family & Friends

What a delight to be a family member with Jesus. His gift was the ultimate and He continues to give. He does not choose one particular day to show His love but continues to lift us up when we are down, gives us strength to move forward and encourages us when we feel defeated. If we all made this commitment to each other what an amazing world we would be part of. We would not need a special holiday that reminds us to show love and gratitude to those we care about but to express it daily. So here we are on that special day of love and kindness…that day to express how we feel… "Happy Valentine’s Day"…A day of hearts and flowers…A day to let others know how we love and appreciate them…as we express it through cards, dinner and /or small tokens of affection. What a gift we receive….We feel uplifted, cared for and all around joyful. Being part of a family or a group of friends that demonstrate their love by deeds, communication and quality time is very special. Let’s carry this day of love, friendship and kindness through the weeks and notice the difference we make…as we will experience compassion, patience, understanding and good will. Psalm 145:4 What you have done will be praised from one generation to the next; they will proclaim your mighty acts. Enjoy the day as we express our love and gratitude to family and friends. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Content & Cozy

As I was talking to the Lord this morning I realized how content and cozy I felt…Just knowing I am His child…that He listens when I talk and He knows my heart is such a gift. I also understood that being content at this moment did not mean God does not want spiritual growth. Being content at this moment allows me to understand how amazing His love is. It also allows me clear understanding of what He wants our lives to evolve into. We are blessed with His graciousness, mercy and forgiveness…as He encourages growth no matter how slow. Let’s pick up the pace and grow in love and knowledge as to how God wants us to live. Being a beacon for others through prayer, Bible studies and continued Christian fellowship with family and friends is our gift to God. Psalm 84:7 Blessed are those whose strength is in you…They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God. As we learn through scripture, gain wisdom from prayers and receive enlightenment from the Holy Spirit let’s praise God’s name as we kneel in prayer. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Friday, February 11, 2011

Overindulge with Jesus

When we think of the words binge, over indulged or gorge our minds automatically go to out of control eating. Generally most people have done a little of this with their favorite food, meal or of course chocolate. How would it be if we binged, overindulged or gorged ourselves on the words of God? Can you imagine how soothing that would be? Reading God’s words, listening to scripture or music on a CD and then reflecting or meditating; this would be the ultimate activity for the day. There would be no weight gain, that uncomfortable stuffed feeling or need to take a walk to calm our digestion. We would be relaxed, assured and loved. So as we approach this wonderful weekend let’s go wild and crazy…let’s overindulge with Jesus. Psalm 67: Our God, be kind and bless us! Be pleased and smile. Then everyone on earth will learn to follow you, and all nations will see your power to save us. Glory be to God…Praise His name and sing for joy! Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Share the Love & Wisdom

As we work in our chosen careers we achieve great feelings of satisfaction and fulfillment, yet if we are working for ourselves we have missed half of the equation. We are here to do God’s will…planting seeds, watering and nurturing those around us. Educating a child about baby Jesus…teaching elementary children wonderful Bible stories and sharing the “Good News” with adults can be an adventure and fun. It is a joy to be in God’s family and share His love and devotion. If we are hiding our light under a bushel and no one knows the joy we receive on a daily basis from God then we are doing a dis-service to future Christians. There is no one way to share God’s love, however expressing one’s trust in God and knowing all challenges, struggles and dilemmas are in His hands; we are able to live with stength, courage and joy. We have nothing to fear but the fear of the unknown…and since we are not in control of our everyday lives beyond doing what is right and moral…all we need to do is pray, stay in conversation with God and let Him lead us. Psalm 47:1-2 Clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph! For the Lord Most High is awesome; He is a great King over all the earth. What an incredible gift we receive when sharing the love and wisdom of God. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Spiritual Batteries

When preparing for the day are we connected to God? Do we rejuvenate our spiritual batteries as often as we charge the cell phone or laptop? Where are the priorities in our lives? With communication at the click of button or mouse we constantly make sure our gadgets are in good working order. Do we do the same with our spiritual life? Let’s shine for our Lord with our batteries fully charged through prayers and thanksgiving; allowing our gratitude to light up and spill over to others. It is a joy to show God’s love through our conversations, behaviors and attitude? As we continue to serve God and follow the path He has for us we are given choices in how we live…So keep communication flowing through prayers (batteries not needed) and listen for His word. Proverbs 32:8 A man’s steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand his own way? Prioritize our lives with the goodness of God, the love of Jesus and the miracles of the Holy Spirit, who continue to charge our batteries. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Give That Extra...

As we go about our days are we doing only enough to get by or are we putting forth our best effort. Many people have the attitude that doing “just enough” is all that is needed, but if we live with that attitude it carries over to all aspects of our lives. Going that extra mile…giving 110%...going beyond an expectation should be our mantra. In today’s society it is imperative that honor our careers, responsibilities and obligations. We hear too often that “no one will know” or “I can get away with it”…these are not the thoughts of an honorable person or how our Lord would want us to live. Let’s remember to honor God by doing what is right even if no one realizes we put in that extra effort. It is all about being an ethical and moral person. What a joy to be a service for God and to honor his name by doing all things well. Psalm 60:12 With God’s help we will do might things. Lets’ rejoice in the day as we have God’s grace and wisdom when serving Him. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Linked To God

What a joy to know that we are linked to God in every way. He takes care of our needs, watches over us in our time of grief and rejoices with us in our successes. He has planned our lives from the beginning to the end. Why then do we fret or worry…We are in the arms of our Savior…The love God has for each of us is immeasurable and beyond our comprehension, yet all we need to do is believe and trust. Let’s build our faith by following His commands, continue studying His Word and sharing Christian fellowship with family and friends. Our lives are blessed with His mercy and grace. Psalm 78:5, 7 He commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children…that they may set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments. Begin the week with prayers, supplications and thanksgiving…God has blessed us. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Today's Teens

Tonight I had an opportunity to watch some high school students in action. They were raising money for the FFA club. What a joy to see hundreds of parents, family and friends support such an amazing group of young people. These students were nothing short of terrific with great manners, friendliness and smiles as they served the multitudes with a great dinner and dessert. Our water glasses or coffee cups were never empty and they joyfully took care of their guests. God is very apparent in the lives of the students present tonight as they willingly made sure everyone was satisfied, comfortable and filled with good food and conversation. It is a joy to see families set a strong foundation that will last a life time for each student. Galatians 6:9-10 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. The actions of each student tonight shined for God as they lovingly served, watered and cleared tables with smiles although getting tired. And the light of Jesus shines through each parent as they took pride in their children. We were blessed to enjoy such an evening. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Friday, February 4, 2011

Positive or Prickles

Life is a joy but there are those days when it is somewhat trying…like when your responsibilities are hinged to another person and they don’t do their equal share. It becomes frustrating and leads to some negative thinking… When this happens it is important to remember that no matter what is going on with the day to day obligations our attitude is everything. Let’s keep the faith, positive outlook and a joyful mindset. Being tested with frustrations, irritations and disappointments can lead us down the road to dismal behavior. Knowing God is in control allows us comfort and confidence that all will be fine, therefore giving us courage to forge ahead with honorable behavior and attitude. What a blessing to know the Lord is there not only in time of serious needs but through general irritations. God is the answer…Let’s keep our minds firmly fixed on Jesus knowing the paths are cleared and He safeguards our journey. Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. We are given the gift of today…keeping a positive attitude with joy in our heart protects and insulates us from the bristles and thorns. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Great Friends & Family

Are you blessed with great friends and family? It is truly a gift when we know there are people in our lives that can be counted on no matter what the situation or what the inconvenience. The question then becomes what kind of friend and family member are you? Knowing what God has asked of us… are we able to put our needs behind the needs of another? Our Lord has set such an example…talk about role modeling! Jesus is all about sacrifice, love and mercy. As we go through our days lets emulate those who go beyond the boundaries of “doing what I want” or “making sure I am comfortable”…let us become role models that display God’s love and kindness. We have opportunities each day to bring sunshine into another’s world. Lets not miss this chance to be a light for God. When His light shines through us we become an example of what a Christian can be. Galatians 5: 22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Be the person God has planned and be a gift to someone else….Praise His name! Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Positive and Joyful Attitude

Well, praise the Lord, we in the San Joaquin Valley have sunshine! After driving in dangerous fog for several days we have been given a reprieve. It is amazing to me how much better we feel when the sun shines and our lives are brightened. Life’s obligations and concerns are easier to accomplish or finish. We feel more positive as we soak in all that good old vitamin D. As I write this of course I am feeling somewhat guilty as the Eastern half of the United States is struggling with blizzards and icy roads, however I wish them sunshiny days very soon. When living in a fog or blizzard it is difficult to keep that positive attitude and rejoice in the day when we are struggling with poor vision and unsafe balance. It seems this is a reminder that God gives us to totally rely on him as we balance our lives. So whether we are living in a fog or any other extreme situation hang tight to Jesus and let Him walk us through the slippery, unsafe and low visibility that lies ahead. Know that God has already planned the road for us to take and although it is not without a few dangerous curves we will persevere with God. Psalm 68:19 Thanks be to the Lord, who daily carries our burdens for us. God is our salvation. Continue to bless our Lord, sing praises to His name and bow in prayer with thanksgiving as we live life with a positive and joyful attitude. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors