Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blessings of the Day

Where did the day go? The sun is going down and I am just beginning the daily devotion…I guess this means I have had lots of fun or have been running ragged with all the responsibilities for the up coming week. All though every minute of the day has been busy it began with prayer and thanksgiving to our Lord for the day and its blessings. Keeping our priorities in order does not mean we have to eliminate activities that we enjoy. However, our first priority is for God and Jesus Christ. As we prepare for each day loving the Lord and the blessings we receive is glorious. It is difficult to understand those who begin a day with out thanking God. It is like breathing…it just comes naturally. When we are around those we love…whisper “thank you God”, when we accomplished all those weekend chores…thank God for the energy or when we had a day of relaxation…praise God for the quiet time. I pray we are thankful for each and everyday and every experience. We learn and grow through the tough times and we soak in the pleasures of joy life can bring. Look forward to tomorrow with a smile in your heart and joy in your spirit. Philippians 3:13-14 Forgetting, those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let us walk with God and follow the path He has laid for us. Listen for His call, pray for His Grace and allow His Holy Sprit to fill our souls. It does not get any better than that. Thank you God & Jesus… Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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