Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Amor of God

When we become inspired are we working diligently or sitting quietly contemplating life through prayer and supplication? Well, my guess is we can become inspired through many activities. God will reach us in all areas of our lives, however in order to hear the calling or inspiration we must be open to receive the message. If living a life without God or Jesus we will miss the communiqué. Maybe that is why we have two ears not one and only one mouth so we listen more and speak less. Many times we get on a roll in our career path, family life or volunteerism and forget that God has arranged our path. If living our “own” lives and making decisions without God’s guidance it takes a little longer to get back on the chosen path. What a blessing that God waits for us…continually! We must put on the armor of God in order to ignore the temptations that lead us from a Godly life. Let us pray for strength and mercy that we keep the devil at our back and rejoice in the life God has for us. When we feel uninspired or stressed from daily life it is important to remember scripture that fills our souls with hope, peace and grace. God has a plan for each of us while Jesus inspires us through his sacrifice, love and devotion. Lean on Them through the hardships, continue to listen for the word(s) and raise our spirits through Bible study, Christian fellowship and prayer. Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Wear the armor with the joy, Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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