Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Live Expectantly

As I was going through my day it seemed the faster I went the further behind I got…so many things with a deadline, responses needed or calls to make. Yet, as we continue to live our lives with the patience and coolness of God I know we can accomplish our list of chores and responsibilities in due time. I find this a blessing knowing that God is handling our lives. We just need to give Him the reins and allow our paths to be cleared. Living a life of expectancy is heartwarming and uplifting. We are allowed to grow in faith, to trust and to love. Our lives become serene with God leading us and Jesus displaying mercy. I pray we always remember which path to choose as we enjoy life, persevere through challenges and allow God to shine through us. The devil is constantly waiting for the moment to pounce and infiltrate our lives, therefore keep him at our backs through prayer, Bible study and Christian fellowship. We have the satisfaction of communicating with God and Jesus every minute of every day… 1 Peter 5:8 Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Go forth praising God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and rejoice in the day. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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