Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Peace of God

Learning that life isn’t turning out the way you envisioned can be disappointing. When this happens it is important to trust God. Allow His love to insulate your discouragement and disillusionment. He will build the bridge of contentment and fulfillment through your faith. God’s plan may not be clear however He is leading us in the direction that is best. We are here to serve and love God while trusting and following Jesus. Our lives will be enriched through our faith and devotion. Being positive allows our strength to increase, our stress to decrease and our faith to grow. Let’s remember to keep the negative, the blame and the why’s out of the conversation. When negativity enters our thoughts this allows the devil to infiltrate our judgments. Keeping the devil at our backs permits the wisdom of God to develop strong, confident and secure Christians. Trusting God and leaning on Jesus through our trials and challenges demonstrates our ever-increasing love of life and everyday joys. It’s important we do not get caught up in the “happy” life but strive for the “Joyful” life that comes from God. John 14:1 Do not let your heart be troubled. Trust in God… I pray we remember who is in control; whose love, mercy and grace will bring us through tough times and sustain us in time of need. We are blessed with the peace of God, the love of Jesus and the powers of the Holy Spirit. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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