Sunday, October 10, 2010

Eyes of a Child

Through the eyes of a child life is huge. We took our granddaughter to the county fair and watched her eyes widen with joy, concern and question as we went from animal to animal and food both to noisy game booths. She sampled the corn dog and funnel cake and washed it down with strawberry lemonade. She and her daddy went through the kids area…slides, bridges and water wheels. All the while she was experiencing life with pure joy and excitement. However, I believe we adults received more joy watching her than she had experiencing her day at the fair. As parents or grandparents we hurt when the child hurts or we laugh when they laugh. I believe the same happens with God and His children. Our Father in heaven is pleased when we are pleased and wants to help us endure life when it becomes a struggle. His rejoices when our choices are in line with His wishes and He blesses us through out our days. Life as an adult can also be huge and overwhelming if we forget to trust God and lean on Jesus. It is through Their love and mercy that we learn how to live the life God has planned for us. I pray this beautiful Sunday you worshipped in your favorite church, prayed for your family, friends, and country and thanked God for the blessings you received this day and always. Let’s continue to show our love through Bible studies, Christian fellowship and prayer as we keep the devil at our backs. 1 John 5:4 Every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. Praise God and Jesus for the day. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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