Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cast Your Concerns

Good Morning Lord and thank you for this amazing and wonderful day. It is a blessing to begin each day with praise, prayer and the love of the spirit in my heart. With determination and resolve I promise to accomplish all that is expected of me as a child of God. As believers we will still be challenged and tested; however it is with the grace and strength of our Lord that we react and respond with a joyful heart that keep us focused on Him. Today many will be challenged with loss of job, separation and divorce, health issues or financial stress. Let us pray with trust and conviction that all we are going through is handled by God and our burdens are lightened as He is in control. What a blessing to have choices. We can be positive with an attitude of Jesus…Understanding, loving and compassionate or we can become negative and walk on the dark side. Let us celebrate the day with a smile, wear the armor of God and delight in His mercy. Psalm 142:3 I cry out to the Lord; I pour out my complaints before Him. When I am overwhelmed, You alone know the way I should turn. Remember to cast your concerns to the cross and live expectantly. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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