Saturday, October 2, 2010

Paid By Jesus

What a beautiful Saturday morning. The weather was just right…not cool and not hot…Thank you God! Riding my bike was again a pleasure. I noticed people out walking their dogs or themselves and a few were having a garage sale. As I drove by one sale I noticed many nice things and equally many people looking over the owners possessions. What caught my attention is that we are always looking for that “bargain’. I too get excited if I can purchase some item at a great price. We believe we have done a good job if we shop and buy at a discount. Yet, there was one purchase that was not bought at a discount…it was for paid by Jesus. He bought our Salvation with His life; all that he asks in return is our belief and trust in Him . How do we thank our Lord for this gift? We make a daily routine of thanking Him and praising His name for the love of life (eternal life that is). God not only takes care of us through out our lives on earth but He has prepared the way for eternal life. How amazing is that? We have an opportunity to share in the love of Christ on a daily basis while trusting God that He will do what He says He will do. In return we continue with Bible studies, Christian fellowship and prayer. God hears our thoughts, our needs and our supplications. All we need to do is talk with Him. Reach out to God the Father and lean on Jesus for strength all the while letting the Holy Spirit fill our souls. What blessings we are given. Revelation 1:5 To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. God is good all the time…All the time God is good. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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