Monday, October 18, 2010

God Provides

It is exciting when we are offered a new beginning; whether it has to do with our careers, new home or new location. I have a friend who moved across the country due to a promotion, another friend has a new home and yet another just retired. How fun life can be. As we experience all these new beginnings in what ways do we celebrate? Hopefully the first expression of gratitude is to God. Being thankful for all the opportunities and praising our Lord is the first step to success. Many times in our society celebrations are with family and friends enjoying a dinner party or night on the town. Our Lord wants us to enjoy life, to share our delight in new ventures and express the pleasure in our advancements and creativity. As Christians we celebrate the love of God and His gifts through the Eucharist, with prayers of supplication and with trust. Knowing God will provide our needs, listen to our desires and protects us from evil. Our lives are not without challenges however they are met with the strength of Jesus and the promises of God. Let us enjoy our lives with a refreshed spirit and determined heart for God. Let’s make each day a new beginning with thankfulness and gratitude as we receive the Grace of God. Matthew 17:20 “I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to the mountain, ‘Move from here to there’, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” As we move from career to career, home to home or city or state let’s give thanks and praise for our faith that grows in strength; while we enjoy the benefits of God’s blessings. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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