Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Show Love

As we live our lives we show our love in many different ways. We go out of our way for those we care about, we do little extra chores without being asked or we may just enjoy being with them…doing nothing more than reading, watching a movie or cooking in the kitchen together. Having someone to share our lives is a comfort and a blessing. Many times though we feel less worthy if we live alone or our special someone does not join in on our activities. What I have experienced is that we are never alone. I remember when first moving into my townhouse many friends asked, “aren’t you nervous or scared being alone?” It never occurred to me that I was alone, because I was walking with God and Jesus. As we live our lives doing for others I pray we do not forget to show God our love. We show that by our continued Bible study, Christian fellowship and prayers. Staying connected to God and Jesus is the walk of a Christian. We have an opportunity on a daily basis to show the world how Christians live. Smiling, being positive and enjoying life no matter what is directed our way. We may have a family illness, financial struggles or personal issues, but how we handle these situations will be evidence of our faith. Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Let’s show the world the love of God and Jesus through our behaviors, our patience and our sincerity to each other. Praise God, walk with Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to fill your soul. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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