Friday, October 15, 2010

Humble Heart

Life is unique and wondrous. We are given the opportunities to spread our wings and excel. Many times when accomplishing our goals we begin to believe our lives are more important, more exceptional and more extraordinary than any one else. Yet, as we live our lives it is crucial to keep our hearts aligned with God. Striving toward love our neighbors as ourselves; remembering our lives are not above or below others keeps our hearts and minds focused on the Lord. It is easy to think we have more to offer and believe God’s plan for us is more valuable to society than our neighbors; however God wants each of us to live with a humble heart and to keep the devil at our backs. Allowing arrogance to enter our thoughts only permits negativity to infiltrate our thinking and diminish our modesty. We are blessed with options that enhance our lives and increase our self-worth. I pray we continue to follow God’s commands through prayer, Bible study and Christian fellowship. Let’s take pleasure in the life we have today and remember to thank God for each and every opportunity. Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Life is a joy and a challenge…walk in love, humility and forgiveness and feel God’s Grace. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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