Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Aspirations & Desires

Listening to Christian music is heartwarming and touching. As I was in thought and prayer I was moved by the words and melody. The Lord blesses us with so many different types of joys…music being a major one. Many times we don’t give any thought to what motivated the artist; we just enjoy. Our life can be like that if we give little attention to what inspires our love for God and Jesus. We may just ramble along not giving thought or merit to what motivates us in our Christian walk. When living life without conscience thoughts or a spiritual plan we are missing God’s purpose and rationale for our existence. We are blessed that God assiduously waits for us. His love is constant and His patience is never ending. What other love is so compassionate, so caring and so understanding. Today we have the opportunity to begin once again to ask for God’s help in following His plan. I pray we turn to our Lord throughout the day in order to diligently stay focused on the goals God has for us. As we continue with our aspirations and desires let us keep God and Jesus forever in thought and prayer. God knows our hearts, our wants and our needs. He will continue to bless, protect and answer our prayers. So when we are in those quiet times with God ask that His will be done in our lives and that our wishes are aligned with His purpose. Let us continue to strengthen our love for the Trinity through our Bible study, prayer and Christian fellowship. Titus 3:4 When God our savior revealed His kindness and love, He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. Rejoice in the song of life with praises, enthusiasm and joy in our hearts…In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…God Bless. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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