Sunday, October 24, 2010

Time of Joy

As we prepare for our church services are we excited, do we look forward to our prayer and praise with enthusiasm and is it a time joy? If it isn’t what is missing? Many times we get bogged down with life and the challenges that confront us. We allow the negativity to enter our world, we complain about getting up early or losing those few precious moments of our day off…Shameful as it is that is what we sometimes here when listening to people talk. We are offered the greatest gift of life. Salvation and Eternity …Wow…We humans can be so selfish…let us make a pack to not only praise God and Jesus on Sunday with joy but to celebrate God's Goodness, the Love of Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit through out the week. So whether we are preparing for our church services, Bible study or prayer and quiet time with God let us remember to open our hearts to the Holy Spirit and be filled with the wonder of God. Praise His name with song and gladness. As we live with the joy of our Father His light shines through us. Let us rejoice in the day(s), remember to praise the Trinity and walk with a humble heart. We are the children of God and He knows our hearts and needs. He will answer all prayers and supplications. Psalm 145:14 The Lord upholds all who fall, and raises up all who are bowed down. I pray we experienced the joy of prayer, praise and song with our Christian friends and family this Sunday and that we continue with the pleasures of Bible study, prayers and Fellowship throughout our week. Keep the devil at your back and Jesus along side of you. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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