Monday, October 25, 2010

Lord is My Helper

Our lives are constantly bombarded with challenges, praises and surprises. Today I have heard all of the above. A friend has taken their elderly father to the hospital, another friend just began a new job and yet another found joy in the surprise of an answered prayer. Through our daily lives we demonstrate the power of God. We meet each crisis, we attain each goal and we embrace and rejoice in all that we accomplish with the strength of Jesus. We have opportunities to display the love of God to our families, friends and the world around us. As we begin this week let us remember to follow the commands of God, align our lives with the wisdom of Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to work the miracles in our lives. God hears our prayers and supplications as He is never far from us. Knowing our lives are on God’s path we are given peace of mind, confidence and assurance that all we experience and pray for today is according to the will of God. When we keep our faith in the direction of the Trinity we are in the light…Let’s shine for them. My prayer today is for all who are ill and in discomfort and for their families, for those beginning a new job or career that they experience little or no anxiety and for those waiting for answers to prayers that will be answered. Hebrews 13:6 So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me? We are so blessed; begin each day with prayer, love and compassion for God our Father, Jesus our strength and the Holy Spirit who resides in our souls. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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