Thursday, October 14, 2010

Encourage Strength

When our families and friends are facing a crisis do we encourage strength through God’s promises or do we encourage weakness through lack of faith? Now I am not saying if you feel stressed, confused or concerned you have little faith. What I am saying is we show our faith through our reactions, responses and behaviors. Walking with God and Jesus through each crisis is how we grow in faith, grow in God’s wisdom and grow in strength. What a blessing to know that leaning on Jesus during a stressful situation allows our needs to be met with grace and mercy. Helping each other through tough circumstances is done by encouraging each other with God’s words and promises. We are never alone and only need to ask for strength, endurance and peace while walking through our trials and tribulations. God has promised us that our prayers will be heard; and He will take care of our needs and be with us always. Romans 8:28 We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose. I pray we are hearing the call from God and following his plan. Spend time with Jesus through prayer and Bible study; while enjoying Christian fellowship with those around you. When your loved ones are facing uncertain times and situations encourage them to pray to our Father for strength and to feel His comfort. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Kaitfors

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