Saturday, September 11, 2010

Soul Food

All through my life we have had food to celebrate our joys and food to comfort us in time of sorrow. Still to this day I feed the body when stressed or joyful. As a young girl my family and I would go to the drive in for ice cream to enjoy that special time with family. I grew up with simple desserts following dinner, however during the holidays we would serve several desserts so everyone could choose their favorite or on those special days we would over indulge and have more than one. We always said a short dinner prayer before enjoying our meals, but there never seemed to be a personal connection to God or Jesus. It was just something we did…Prayers before a meal. Up until a few years ago I was following in those same footsteps of my family and making sure we said a prayer before our meals, but I didn’t feel that personal connection to God or Jesus. Finally my eyes were opened…it is more than just a prayer before a meal. When praying we are given an opportunity to begin or continue our relationship with Jesus. We are thanking God for our needs being met as well as being thankful when we are given more than enough. We accomplish this through Bible studies, Christian fellowship and continued prayers. God’s tells us what he expects and how He wants us to live. I pray that when we are reaching for the desserts to complete a wonderful meal or celebration that we also reach for the food that will feed our souls. Jesus came to earth for us and we are able to feed our souls through the Great Eucharist.…We are blessed. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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