Saturday, September 18, 2010

Biblical Sayings

Are you a trivia bug? Do you love finding the meanings of phrases or sayings? Well, I do and it is always amazing to me when I find the origin of some saying or phrase. I have found over a hundred Biblical sayings that we now use on a day to day basis. So, tonight as I “burn the midnight oil” and just for the fun of it I thought I would write with some of those phrases and you will probably be saying, “seeing is believing”. And although “I am not my brother’s keeper” I will do my best not to be a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”, but show you several. I certainly hope this won’t be the “blind leading the blind” or that you finally say “this is the pits.” When I am finished I trust you won’t be saying “Whatever became of ___?” God give us so much and without really paying attention to our speech he has even given us wonderful phrases. As I was preparing to write tonight “I hit the nail on the head”, because it is not “just an old wives tale” and besides “a little bird told me”, this would be a good idea. Although I am “at my wits end”, I will not “give up the ghost”, but I am working hard and will “not bite the dust” until “my cup runneth over”. Now I am sure one of will wonder if it is time I am “put out to pasture” or if I am “as old as Methuselah”, however “I don’t wanna hear a peep out of you”, just because we are not “seeing eye to eye”. After all “I heard it straight from the horses’ mouth” that we should “stop being Doubting Thomases” and “let the chips fall where they may”. I pray you work “by the sweat of your brow, you don’t eat the “forbidden fruit” because that could be a “stumbling block” toward “the truth shall set you free.” So “stop raising Cain”, remember “money is the root of all evil” and “it is better to give than to receive” even if you “won’t lift a finger” to help. “Well…more or less” I am finished and you may be saying “Good riddance” and “I’ve never seen anything like it”…but what’s special is God has a sense of humor and we are blessed with the ability to laugh at our lives and appreciate being silly once in a while. Psalm 145:13The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made. May God Bless You and Keep You! Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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