Friday, September 3, 2010

Wonders of God

God’s wonders are everywhere, but when one travels into the mountains it is an inspirational trip. I had the pleasure of spending the day in Yosemite National Park yesterday and was surrounded by God’s presence as we took in the sites. How can anyone ever be in disbelief or doubt that there is a God after taking in the beauty and wonder of the park? We spent some time walking through Yosemite Falls, enjoying the fresh air and the light scent of pines. We had front row seats as we watched the squirrels scamper to and fro, watched beautiful blue birds darting through the branches and admired the massive granite boulders. God was everywhere. We visited with people from England, Australia and New Zealand…watched people from Japan taking movie pictures of the squirrels as they ate their nuts… There was peace, neighborly conversations among strangers and courtesy for those needing help in directions and other information. God walked with us as we took pleasure in his creation, we marveled at the breath taking views in all directions and felt the disappointment when it was time to leave. I can not wait for the next day trip as it fills my soul and rejuvenates my spirit. God’s love is displayed through out our world…let us go forth finding God moments and praising his name. Genesis 1:31, 2:1 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning-the sixth day. Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. I pray we acknowledge the beauty, creativity and wonders of this world as we cherish what God has given us. Let us remember to share the blessings of his love by taking care of each other and our environment. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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