Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Temptation to Quit

As I continued my biking this morning, I found myself unprepared for the cooler weather. It was 61 degrees with a slight breeze and I was in shorts and light long sleeve top…very chilly from what we have had. My first thought was to cut this ride short and go home. And then I heard the voice in my head say, “why do you give up so easily…when an activity is a little uncomfortable why do you think you have an option of quitting.” So I continued riding. I made a conscience choice to ignore the negative voice and to listen to the positive. I rode hard in order to build up some body heat…and then found the positive in that…I thanked God for the ability to ride after all I am not 20…or 30 or 40…I could keep going but you get it…and I found the positive in my agility to ride (no matter what the temperature is). During my ride, I realized that many times we do the same with our “God time”…when we have the time or it is convenient and comfortable we spend time praying, studying or just being in one with the Lord. However, we do not stand firm when our schedules get hectic or we become overwhelmed with challenges and life issues. Yet, that is when we need to focus on God and Jesus. We can accomplish our goals with the help of our Lord. When being tested in our life challenges it is imperative that we continue trusting God and leaning on Jesus. So today I pray we do not give in to the challenge or quit when an activity is uncomfortable; but that we work hard, embrace the challenge and enjoy the prospect of over coming difficult roadblocks. Remember that “satan” is smiling when we allow the negative to have more power than God’s plan. Deuteronomy 31:67 Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. What Blessings we receive as we live our lives as Christians who have the power of Jesus. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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