Thursday, September 16, 2010


Well I must confess today is my first day back on the bike…oh, my…how can a person get out of shape so fast? I must tell you that after the first few minutes I was ready to turn around and put the bike away… However, as I continued my ride, which was more work that pleasure I realized our Christian walk can be the same way…it can be work…we may want to become complacent…as it can be uncomfortable. God wants us to grow in our personal walk with the Lord…this is not always easy as life can get in the way. We have challenges that stretch our endurance. Many years ago I repeated the Prayer of Jabez daily…I remember saying, “Please enlarge my territories”. It is important to understand when I was referring to territories I expected my life to stay the same…so when I was smacked with the greatest challenge of my life I was shocked. Now when praying this prayer I had no idea what was coming and yes, God did enlarge my territories. I felt unprepared. The challenge was insurmountable (I thought); however my life, my faith and my territories grew beyond my wildest dreams… Here I am several years later loving my life, my God and Savior Jesus Christ and the opportunities that have opened to me. Yes, my territories were expanded but more importantly my relationship with Jesus grew into a very personal relationship. Jesus is the “territory.” I believe when praying this prayer I was asking (without knowing it) for God to bring me closer to Jesus and in order to do this I must be prepared and pruned to be open to the new me. John 16:23-24 I tell you the truth, you will ask the father directly, and He will grant your request because you use my name. Ask, using My name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy. As you rejoice in the day pray for enlarged territories and then be prepared for God to change you, your life and your relationship with Jesus. Alleluia! Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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