Sunday, September 5, 2010

Music & Prayers

After I wake in the morning and take that much needed shower I turn on the music. It begins my day with up lifting melodies and inspiring words. It reminds how blessed we are… God gives amazing creativity to some in the way of melodies and lyrics, while others are gifted in sports or math. How exceptional are the people of God. As I prepared for church this morning the music had me swinging and swaying as I applied my make-up and did my hair. I was filled with joy as I hummed along. I am reminded that God will inspire, uplift or encourage us through the many gifts, but one of my favorites is music. My memories flood back of my parents dancing in the living room or my Mom and her sister singing in the kitchen while doing dishes. I pray we pursue the activities that bring us inspiration and awareness of our faith. Choose prayer, Christian fellowship and Bible studies that increase our knowledge of God and Jesus Christ. 2 Chronicles 29:30 So they sang praises with gladness and bowed their heads and worshipped. Find the song that gets you dancing and praise God and the blessings of life. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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