Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Today is a Gift

I love this life…riding my bike is pure joy…admiring the scenery and environment is a blessing. Today I noticed one of the houses is all dressed for Halloween and one has a beautiful Angel statue near the curb. Every house has its own unique personality as each home owner has displayed what is important to them. It made me think about each of us and how we show what is important to us. The way we dress, how we act, talk and treat others. I talked with a girlfriend the other day and we talked about choices. When we are not in the best of moods how do we treat the world? We could hide out and not associate with anyone, however that isn’t too practical or we could make the choice to smile, enjoy what we can and make the best of a uncomfortable moment or day. Through God’s love He shows us what is expected and how we should live. It is important that we remember that everyday is a gift. What we do with that gift is our choice. Do we squander it or treat it as a valuable present? How we go about our days, the choices we make show the world what is central to us. Living our lives with joy no matter the struggles allows the world to see the love of God. Being a Christian does not make us exempt from challenges but it does help us cope, become strong and develop into the person God has planned for us. I pray we are smiling with the love of God in our hearts and the strength of Jesus in our souls. We have the answers to a life that is filled with hope, peace and joy. Let the light of God shine through us with smiles, kindness and gratitude toward each other. Romans 15:13 I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Rejoice in the day and make it your gift to others. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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