Friday, September 24, 2010

Growing or Stagnant

I am always interested to hear how others meet their challenges. I marvel when someone complains nothing will ever be the “same”. I want to shout, "it is not supposed to be the same." We are to be growing and learning. Why do we think our lives are to be stagnant and constant? I can not even imagine how boring life would be. We would have nothing to look forward to or rejoice when a miraculous occasion comes along; like a new born baby, a marriage or the completion of school. God enjoys giving us a sample of heaven when we celebrate the joyous occasions in our lives. We are filled with the Holy Spirit and can feel His love. If we live in a world that is constant and never changing how forlorn our world would be. I praise God for allowing the trials, challenges and tests that come along as we grow as Christians. We discover the strength God gives us and the power of Jesus when we align our lives with His. Let us rely on God when we are feeling overwhelmed and stressed. He will lift our spirits and allow the joy to refresh our souls. What blessings He gives us as we persevere through our struggles. Psalm 142:3 I cry out to the Lord; I pour out my complaints before Him. When I am overwhelmed, You alone know the way I should turn. Let us go forth as strong Christians that follow the path of Jesus while studying our Bibles, enjoying Christian fellowship and praying to God, our Creator all the while thanking Him for His Blessings. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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