Sunday, September 19, 2010

Different Stages

When doing our Bible studies we found the followers of Jesus in different stages of faith. Some were total believers and some were not sure. It isn’t too difficult to understand this as they did not have the “hind sight” that we in the 21st century have. Yet, even family and friends are in different stages of their faith. Now don’t misunderstand we all believe. It is just we are in different stages of our total commitment to studying the Bible, prayers and total trust in Jesus. Many times we put our lives before our trust, our prayers and our commitment. We must remember to allow God to guide our days…If we are not on a one to one with the Lord the evil of this world can slip in the back door and influence our thoughts and actions. Knowing the Bible is like having a road map to a healthy spiritual life. We learn what God expects and how to live our lives. We don’t take the easy way unless it has been cleared of evil entrapments and lined with the Angels of righteousness. As each of us grow in our faith, become stronger in our commitments to prayer and Bible study we become true followers of Jesus. What a blessing it is when we can say our faith is lived out in our daily lives. We do what is expected and valued by God and not what the world may value. God Blesses our actions through the miracles of each day given and He Blesses our spirit by giving us His Grace, Peace and Joy. 2 Thessalonians 3:3 The Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one. I pray we continue as true followers of God and Jesus as we recommit our life to prayers, Christian fellowship and Bible study. It is through our works of study that we will enjoy that personal relationship with Jesus. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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