Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Live Life

I so enjoy living life… what I mean by that is I love sharing my life with my family, friends and the Lord. Knowing that what ever happens we can rely on the Lord for God’s wisdom, while getting support from friends & family. The other day I had a surprise phone call from a family member I had not visited with for several months…what a delight. It is totally comforting to know we can go months without any communication and then when we do talk we pick up right where we left off… We don’t have to be concerned that our family won’t want to hear from us or that we have to explain why it has been weeks since we last talked. We are always there for them and overjoyed to once again catch up with their lives. Our God is the same way. We may go weeks or longer without any communication with Him but when we do He will shower us with love, comfort and joy. We can feel his presence and the bliss of his peace. As we go forth each day I pray we spend time with our Lord and receive his grace and gifts of love and peace. Jesus is waiting for the door to open in order to be part of our lives. Sharing his love that is boundless allows us to reap the harvest of a personal relationship with Him. Jeremiah 29:12-13 “You will call upon Me and come to pray to Me, I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” Enjoy the presence of our Lord as you open the door to your heart and let Jesus enter. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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