Sunday, September 26, 2010


As I was preparing for church this morning a song by Frank Sinatra began playing, “Love makes you whatever you want to be”…it was a great melody and catchy rhythm, but the words caught my attention. Is it that easy…all we need is Love? Well, I agree, however whose love is it that we need? Of course my answer is God and Jesus Christ. With Their love we become who we are supposed to be. It is important we listen for the direction and assistance, because without Their guidance we are at the mercy of the devil and the secular world. We can assure ourselves success if we follow the path God has for us. I do not believe we become what we want to be but what God has planned for us. He shows us through our experiences and education the gifts and skills which take us on individual roads. The joy we receive when walking with God is fulfilling and gratifying. It is like being at the right place at the right time. Some how we just know we are doing what we were born to do. Now I am not saying that we all have the inside track on careers, helping those in need or making the correct choice at each given moment. Heaven knows we all struggle from time to time; yet when we allow God to work in us and we follow the commands He dictates we are given a glimpse of his love and wisdom. Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. I pray we are following the plan God has for us and that we believe Jesus is the answer. He is our Salvation and the way to life eternal. We are blessed by their Grace, Peace and Joy. Follow, Believe and let the Holy Spirit fill your soul. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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