Monday, November 1, 2010

Steps of Growth

I was watching television the other day and at the beginning of a commercial was the sentence “Every climb is not planned”...all of a sudden it hit me... all our growth in life is not planned. When we are being pruned it most obviously is not something we chose. At some points in our lives we may find ourselves without a job, single, in financial need or with health issues none of which was our own choosing... Isn't life wonderful, however when making the climb it is imperative that we walk in faith. Many times we put blame where there should be no blame. It is just life. We may be at the mercy of others...their decisions may impact our lives or our health may be vulnerable and we once again are making that climb. The astonishing results create the person God wants us to be. Without growth and pruning we would stay the same. It is a blessing that God cares enough to ensure our transformation into the person He planned before our birth. I sometimes laugh at the steps I have had to take and joke with God...asking couldn't you have just asked me to change with out all the headache or heartache.. :) Yet, knowing me...I needed the wake up call that I received to become the person that now devotes my time and service to God. It is with joy that we can offer our lives to Him through our behavior, attitudes and discipline. Our lives are precious and valuable. Let's use our time to do God's will and to ensure that our families know God and Jesus. Our paths are open to us...we have free will...let's keep the devil at our backs, make the climb with God and reach the level of success our Lord has planned. We are filled with joy that comes from the Holy Spirit, we find strength in our weakest moments from God and we feel the love of Jesus in our climb. 1 Corinthians 1:5 In every way you were enriched in Him in all speech and all knowledge. Make the climb with a smile and trust in the path God has for you. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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