Saturday, November 13, 2010

Gift of Love

With the holidays fast approaching, our economy still struggling and people without employment times can be stressful. Yet, today I had a look at the generosity of Christian women. Our community held a fund raiser for the Pregnancy Care Center…what a joy to see all the good that was accomplished. It is a blessing to watch Christian ladies in action. We celebrated the gift of life with High Tea…We spent time shopping local venders and participating in the silent auction; then enjoyed tea, finger sandwiches and chocolate. We listened to our speakers and guests give testimony to the care, education and spiritual support they received from this wonderful organization…Listening to their experiences was touching and made you feel blessed to be part of this small community of love. It is all about the babies, parents and God. We are so blessed to have an opportunity to give back. Our Savior leads us, keeps us close and heals our hearts, bodies and souls. When following our Lord we make decisions that have God’s purpose in mind. How can we go wrong when our lives are devoted to God and His commands? Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path. Let us continue to show our Christian heart by giving to those in need, praying for those facing difficulties and sharing our time with those who may be alone. There is no greater gift that the gift of love…follow your heart as God will lead you to those who need the extra love... As we pray let us give thanks and rejoice in the blessings of today. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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