Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day

Today is Veterans Day and we have the privilege of thanking all who served in the Armed Forces. It brings my thoughts to my Dad (Navy-WWII), my Uncle Bob (Air Force-Korean War) and many friends (Viet Nam)… What a gift they gave (give) to the people of the United States. We take for granted the freedoms, the luxuries and the abundance in this country. The shame is we become self-indulged with an attitude “it is all about me”… When living the life of a Christian it should be apparent that we keep those in need or in harm’s way in our thoughts and prayers; yet we live a life of over indulged desires and wants. We expect everyone to care about our wishes and aspirations without giving thoughts to others. Let us remember to pray for those in other countries without their families, luxuries and freedoms we experience daily…to ask our Lord to keep them safe, healthy and spiritually strong; make it a prayer of substance and not a fleeting thought… 2 Samuel 22:29 O Lord, You are my lamp. The Lord lights up my darkness. He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection. Our God has protected many and opened His arms to those went home to Him. We as Americans are Blessed and I thank God for those serving in all branches of the Armed Forces as well as the civilians working in those worn torn countries. May God Bless them All. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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