Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Amazing Day

Last night I was told by one of my students that I use the word “amazing” a great deal…It surprised me…but then thinking about it she is absolutely right…I find life totally amazing…our God is Amazing…our futures will be amazing… We have the opportunity to make life “amazing” as long as we keep God and Jesus first. Living and loving our lives is honoring God…following His guidelines is respecting our Father. We don’t need the holidays to remind us to be kind, generous and thoughtful, because living by God’s commands we love our neighbor as ourselves and we are not judging or using harsh words. We share the joy of God’s grace and mercy and we experience the love He gives so freely. That is amazing…As we continue through the day let us thank God for His forgiveness and bounty. Hang tight to Jesus in time of need and weakness. I pray we maintain our Bible studies, prayers and Christian fellowship. We are approaching the day of thanksgiving and there is no better time to thank our Lord for our families, friends, health, careers and everyday joys… Let’s not wait for that holiday that encourages thankfulness, but let’s be thankful everyday…Lift your voice in song, raise your hands in praise and kneel in prayer…Let’s serve God with the heart of a child…open and fresh. Ephesians 4:7 Unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Go forth and enjoy this “amazing” day. God Bless Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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