Saturday, November 6, 2010

Peace n Love

Our lives have their ups and downs however it is not if we are up or down, but how we handle those down times that allow us to model our convictions and beliefs. If we are negative and unhappy through those times it is apparent we are not walking close enough to God. We are certainly allowed to have some less than happy thoughts...our hope and prayers are when those times cross our paths we are strong enough that we choose to lean on Jesus and trust the promises of God. He is there during our times of struggle, disappointments or challenges...Let us keep the devil at our backs, keep our focus on the positive and rejoice in the love of God. He is never further than a prayer and we are blessed with His gifts. Let us go beyond just enduring those tough times but let us delight in his love, grace and mercy. We will never be lost as long as we walking with the power of life, the glory of the future and the spirit of miracles. Romans 5:1 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray we are going forward in those down times with a strong hold and commitment to our Lord and feel the peace He alone can give. Stay aligned with the Trinity through your Bible studies, prayers and Christian fellowship. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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