Friday, November 12, 2010

Sky's the Limit

As I was driving to the University today I marveled at the beauty of fall. It made me wonder how anyone could deny God…He has created such splendor not only in our communities, but in each of us. Our Lord God has made every person with gifts, skills and talents. He has set the time for each of us to shine. When we allow God to guide us we are able to reach our potential. When we trust our thoughts, ideas and convictions the sky is the limit… Isn’t that a great saying? “The sky is the limit”…after all it is heaven bound… When we believe in ourselves we believe in God. The thoughts and ideas come from Him…all we have to do is have faith. What a joy to have the wisdom of God and the strength and confidence of Jesus… I pray we are learning to listen, following our hearts and the ideas God has for us… while staying positive as we strive toward our goals. Let’s keep the devil at our back, ignore the negative talk and rejoice in the splendor of our lives. Let us persevere through our trials, challenges and concerns knowing that God is with us. Staying focused with positive attitudes and a pure heart allows the Holy Spirit to fill our souls with His love and mercy. Psalm 32:8 “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” Let us remember the sky is the limit…we are heaven bound with our potential as God is our guide. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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