Friday, November 5, 2010

Strong Values

Life can be so rewarding...our choices lead us to fulfillment or regret. We are able to decide how we want our day to unfold. Will it be with smiles, compassion and understanding or with gossip, negativity and judgment toward others? As I was out riding my bike...yes, I ventured out today I began thinking about our lifestyles and what we value most. Is it what people (society) deemed as elite and important? Is it leaving a legacy of love, doing the right thing (even when you want to do the opposite) and living a life seen as a Christian. Through our choices are we able to persevere through the tough times, turn toward Jesus with trust and devotion as well as lean on God with prayers? It is a blessing every day to know that His love endures even though society values are weak and change with the tide. Living with values that will not bend with every whim but follows the commands of God allows us to grow strong and bear the fruit God planned for us. I get excited knowing that there is no age requirement, no health requirement and no socioeconomic value that denies anyone from reaching the goals God has for us. God is patient and caring waiting for us to open our eyes, ears and hearts to Him. I pray we are taking a good look at ourselves and made the choice to love thy neighbor, to reach out and help those with needs and pray for our families, friends, state and country. Let us walk with the wisdom of God, the love of Jesus and pray for the Holy Spirit to fill our soul. Joel 2:13 Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and He relents from sending calamity. Let us go forth living the life of a strong Christian; pleasing God as we continue with our Bible studies, prayers and Christian fellowship...Rejoice in His love. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

1 comment:

  1. really its great job , i hope i can share my blog with you , thanks ,
