Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Love God

It is common to hear “I believe in God” and it is also common to hear “I trust God”, however how often do we hear “I love God”...When listening to a song a while ago that stated “I love God with all my heart and soul... it made me think. Loving God means we have a personal relationship with Him and nothing could be more sweet than being in relationship with God and Jesus. Allowing Him in our lives with a personal investment... Not just a Sunday church service or Sunday school once in awhile kind of relationship...but living moment to moment, every day, on going true relationship with our Creator and Savior. Being in prayer with our soul entrenched with the power of the Holy Spirit and feeling the surge of love pulsate through our being is an experience we should be striving towards. God dwells not only in the saints like Mother Teresa but in everyday people like you and me. I pray we are following the path of God and His commands while demonstrating our love for Him. When we are in service for God we are showing our love, when we are doing for others with nothing to gain we are showing our love and when our life is filled with compassion and understanding for family, friends or strangers we are showing our love. Let us go about our days “in love” with God and Jesus...showing the world how amazing and extraordinary life is as a Christian. We are not without challenges, trials or temptations, however we live with the strength and wisdom of God and have the devil at our backs. Ephesians 1:7-8 He is so rich in kindness and grace that He purchased our freedom with the blood of His son and forgave our sins. He has showered His kindness on us. Along with all wisdom and understanding. Living life with the inner glow of God Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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