Sunday, November 7, 2010

Life n Complications

Sometimes life can be so complicated...Situations arise and we need to respond and react with a heart that is pure and caring; when we would rather voice a negative opinion...It makes me wonder if our behavior is God approved... It should be a no brainer, however we are human therefore have human feelings. I pray when faced with these situations we think before speaking and pray for wisdom. As we approach obstacles that challenge our attitude, disappointments that hurt our feelings and tests that are easily failed by a negative response let us hold tight to Jesus and follow His way. God will lift us up when we are stumbling, He will guide our footsteps and He will not let us walk alone. We are blessed with His compassion, mercy and love. When our lives seem too complicated to understand Jesus is there...when we cry out for help...God hears our cries...When we kneel and pray...the Holy Spirit fills our soul....We are Blessed. Romans 8:18 I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Let us lift our voices in song...lift our hands with praise and lift our spirits to God the Father and Jesus our Salvation. Let's feel the closeness of the Trinity as we worship, praise and thank God for showing us the way Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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