Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Terms & Conditions

I opened my email today and was inundated with junk mail. There were ads for everything from insurance to food coupons and then I saw one ad that caught my attention. There is an ad to bid on items from cameras to laptops for just pennies; so for the fun of it I decided to check into the rules and regulations of their site. Surprisingly it stated in bold black and white that they could change the terms and conditions without notifying the users of the program. When reading this I wondered why would anyone sign up with a company that states they will change the terms and if you don’t read the rules on a routine basis too bad for you. What happened to ethics, values and morals? Now I am not saying they are doing anything illegal, however it struck me as strange. It reminded me as how our world has changed and evolved to a “got ya” and “I deserve” kind of attitude. As looking over the terms of this bidding site I thought how sad that people go into this site with an understanding of the rules but at any time they could change without the user’s knowledge. I then turned my thoughts to God and our lives. This reminded me to keep my trust in God and Jesus Christ as the terms and rules will not change. We know going in that we are loved unconditionally and all we have to is love God, follow His commands and spread the word of Jesus Christ. Doing the bidding for God is as easy as getting out of bed and praying. Learning to live a life with Christ is challenging as we are only human, however if we fail on a daily basis God is not going to change the terms and conditions. We don’t have to read the fine print; we can trust and believe that God and Jesus Christ will continue to be with us until the second coming. I find it comforting that I do not have to fret or be concerned whether God will love me tomorrow. He is here today, tomorrow and forever. His terms and conditions will not change. 1 John 2:5 But if anyone obeys his word, God’s love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him. With confidence in His Love let us rejoice. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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