Thursday, August 5, 2010

Smile & Be Grateful

I awoke this morning with a pair of shining eyes looking in my direction. My granddaughter was ready to start her day with her grandmother…What a remarkable way to begin my day. As I quietly said “ thank you dear Lord for the opportunities of this day”, I stretched and smiled at such a sweet face. Our days can begin mundane or with a smiling child looking at us, and we have the options of always thanking God and Jesus Christ (which begins our day with grace) or we can trudge through the day without the hope, peace and faith that accompanies our Lord. I am sure to some it seems “Polly Anna” to consider that all we have to do is believe and our lives will be without worry or strife., however we are not promised a life without struggles we are promised a life…it is up to us what type of life we are to make. Finding the joy after each storm is the miracle God gives us. We are refreshed, rejuvenated and rewarded by walking through the storm with our Lord. Let’s rejoice in the miracles of families, friends and the gift of choice…The choice to always reach out to God and Jesus Christ and let them lead us through the difficult periods of our lives. I pray we continue to better our lives through prayer, Bible study and Christian fellowship. When we have the occasion to better someone’s life by a smile, a prayer or a helping hand we are doing God’s work. Let us go forth today showing our love for God and Jesus Christ by modeling how a Christian lives…model the love…SMILE and Be GRATEFUL… Let’s keep the negative at bay and rejoice in the miracle of today, after all this is the day the Lord has made. Isaiah 26:12 Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us. Faith and Strength are sent your way. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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