Monday, August 2, 2010

Joys and Miracles

When sitting in thought and prayer with the Lord I was wondering what to write. While in prayer I was saying, “Lord I want to tell the world what a blessing and joy we have loving You and Jesus Christ”. There was my message. God allows us the choice not only to follow but to follow with a spirit of love. Given the opportunities to learn how to pray, to know what God expects and to spread His word. Can it be any easier than that? Everyday we show our gratitude and appreciation for what we have by how we live. It is not about the stuff in our lives; however it is about the size of our heart, our sharing capabilities and our eagerness to share the love we receive from our Lord. When looking at life through God’s heart we are given a picture of gentleness, kindness and benevolence that is given to all for ever. His unconditional love is overwhelming as we are so unworthy. I begin each day before getting out of bed, saying, “Thank you Lord for your love, care and opportunities.” It is probably the best habit I have acquired. Learning to be grateful for all in my life whether it is a challenge or opportunity has been lesson of a life time. I know when leaning on God and Jesus Christ we can get through anything. Knowing that we can get through all things with God and Jesus Christ brings me back to the beginning. The Joys of Loving God and Jesus Christ is a miracle. The miracle God has given us if we choose to follow Him in our daily lives through Bible study, prayer and Christian fellowship. Let’s wear His Love in our hearts and on our faces so we advertise daily what it is like to be a Christian. Psalm 96:2 Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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