Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Day

Hello My Friends and joy to you this beautiful Saturday. What is it about weekends that seem to revive us? The idea that we are not on the same schedule (for some that is) and we have a little wiggle room that brings a feeling of freedom. What a gift that is and how we look forward to it. We get energized and begin to plan the events for the day…yeah for Saturday’s. Yet, what would our lives be like if we looked forward to each day as it is Saturday or another special day. How about looking at it as it “really” is…an amazing day given by God. We have a new day to begin doing what is necessary to live the life God has planned for us. Living a life aligned with God and Jesus allows the love to flow through us, helps us put on the armor of God and to find the joy among the thorns of life. God is there to energize our souls when we think we can’t make it. Putting our faith in his love and walking hand and hand with Jesus gives us the strength, wisdom and grace to celebrate the day before us. I pray we are patient, slow to anger and choose our words carefully. When life gets tough we listen more, talk less and love unconditionally. When necessary each of us forgives a hurt that could keep us from God and learn to forgive easily. Romans 14: 5-6 One man considers one day more sacred than another, another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. He, who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord. Rejoice in this beautiful day energized to live God’s plan. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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