Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Day in the City

Yesterday I took a trip to San Francisco to watch the Giants play the Dodgers. I had not been to the Giants new stadium and was looking forward to the day away and a good baseball game. We left in plenty of time in order to see the first ball thrown…without stress. So we thought. I am always amazed at the traffic in the city, the delays and the constant highway construction that continues on an annual basis. We also thought since I had never ridden Bart that it would be fun and easy form of travel. Well, when planning any activity that requires a schedule I believe the devil sits in wait to have some fun at our expense. Traveling to the bay area took longer, going into the city from the San Jose area was more involved with Bart and a local transit and then the people…I did not remember the rivalry between the two cities and the Giants had a record attendance of 42,882 fans… We were elbow to elbow no matter where we walked. It is a time you want to lose it and yell “Get out of my way”…however I kept repeating “Cynthia, you are a daughter of God and you are not going to be grumpy…especially when others too are trying to get through the maze and masses. When it was finally over and done…the game was won and we had survived milling through thousands and were seated at the restaurant overlooking the bay with music softly playing in the background did I look up and say thank you God. At the end of the day, we had been blessed with sunshine bouncing off the bay and an incredible meal. As I quietly said a quick prayer of gratitude that the Lord had kept my mouth shut and a smile on my face I realized the traffic, delays and people were all part of the package. We are constantly tested…as Christians hopefully we model what we pray? It is important to allow the Lord to navigate our course…as His path can fill our lives with comfort that only he can give tranquility through prayer and delight in our everyday existence. My prayer is we allow God and Jesus Christ to plot the course and that we follow the guidelines of the Golden Rule…love thy neighbor. We all enjoy the day away whether it is a trip to the library or out of town. Let’s rejoice in the day! Psalm 86:12 I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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