Friday, August 20, 2010

Honor our Parents

Hello My Friends and blessings to you this beautiful day. Every morning I begin my day by thanking our Lord for the gift of another day. But today it is bitter sweet as I remember my Mother’s anniversary of her death. I think about all she went through as a young girl. She was born with a mixed heritage (half Japanese/half Caucasian). It was tough going for her and her little sister due to World War 2… Mom raised her little sister and herself virtually alone due to the divorce of her parents. No one wanted two little ½ Japanese girls. No one but God and Jesus. Although my Mother experienced many negative and damaging hardships she had the strength and courage that was a driving force that enabled her to raise her little sister and then her own children. I now marvel at her life. She never wavered in her faith and made sure my brothers and I knew the Lord. Actually she began with her little sister as my Aunt never wavered in her faith either. God gave my Mother the strength to persevere through life with a smile on her face, the grace of an Angel and the love of Jesus. Today I thank God for the Love of parents who know God and Jesus… 2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but God gave us a spirit of power, of love and self discipline. Let us remember to tell our parents we love them and thank the Lord for the gifts we receive when we are raised with God fearing and Jesus loving parents. Smiles & Blessings, Cynthia Collins Kaitfors

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